Feelings (Gruvia and Jerza Chapter)

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Tucking a strand behind her ear, Erza stuck her head out the exit of the school, looking around before she stepped out of the school building.

She was being cautious, because she didn't want to meet someone like they asked. She was trying to avoid Jellal at all chances she got, and at seeing he was nowhere outside, she was for sure going to avoid him.

She ducked her head, avoiding stares just incase Jellal was somehow somewhere out there.

Once getting to the exit gates, she smiled a content one. Now all she needed to do was make it to her home without Jellal following-

"Hey." Erza stopped her steps as she heard the voice she didn't want to. Looking to her left, there he was. Leaning against the brick of the gate swinging a lanyard around his index finger, a foot placed against the wall behind him, Jellal wasn't paying attention at all but somehow saw Erza.

She closed her eyes with a deep sigh, regretting she celebrated so soon. "Hi." she said in an excited voice, as if she was ecstatic to see him, though she wasn't too pleased. "Ready to go?"

Getting himself off of the wall, he smiled as he stopped swinging the fabric around his fingers instead stuffing the thing in the pocket of his coat. "I am." he said with a smile, enthusiastically.

Jellal turns around, walking away as Erza narrows her eyes. She really was nervous, for some reason. She wasn't afraid Jellal would do something horrible, and she knew he wouldn't do something that would make her uncomfortable.... So why was she nervous.

She draws a breathe as she takes a step, following Jellal. Whatever she was nervous about, she'd find out sooner than later, she figured. So why not just see what her nerves were nervous about?


Slipping an arm through the jacket not belonging to her, Juvia moved her legs to keep those warm.

After lunch, Gray had demanded she keep his jacket so she wouldn't be cold the entire day, which was off setting to her. But after some arguments from her side as to why he should take his jacket back, Juvia just gave in and kept it. Gray didn't even ask for her to give it back to him at the end of the day, he just up and left Juvia to throwing away her bag of food on her lonesome.

How could he be a gentleman one second, and then a total jerk the next? Juvia read books - Levy had recommended to her - about what boys should do around girls, and one of them was to stay by a girls side and be gentleman like, not leaving her alone. Gray? He got the gentleman part, but being kind to wait and drop her off at her classes like he had been doing, he was not doing so good on.

Juvia didn't even know if he wanted it back. Did he mean keep it her entire life? Juvia wouldn't mind to keep it - it was, in fact, very cozy and warm, not to mention it was Gray's and had his scent all over it and who knew where he had worn it - but she cared more about Gray's coldness and not hers. He did tell her the cold never got to him, but who knew if it was a lie?

So, that's why Juvia was outside by the doors of their school waiting patiently for Gray. But, he was taking forever and Juvia was getting impatient, and cold since she wanted to give the jacket to him and not wear it anymore.

After another minute of patiently waiting, she got too cold so she put on his jacket and waited with it on.

And after another minute of waiting, he appeared. Walking out of the building with hands in his pockets, a scowl on his face as if mad.

He didn't notice her, so she called him. "Gray-Sama!" she called sweetly.

Upon hearing her voice, Gray's scowl disappeared and was replaced with a satisfied smile. "Hey, how's the jacket?"

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