About me :3

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If you don't wanna know about me, just don't read this part in the Fan-Fiction!!

Let me know if you relate or have the same interest/or problem as me!

The Following are Questions from Pinterest!!!

What's your full name?
Savannah Marie, and my last name is a name :)

How old are you? When is your birthday?
Im 13 years old. January 7th

What grade are you in?
8th grade :[ (As of 2018-2019)

Eye color?

How tall are you?
5''8. Im tall, and I hate it.

Shoe size?
Size 9

Hair color?
Brown. I dye my hair, so it has a bit of blonde highlights in it. I have dyed a strip in my hair purple before.

Favorite TV show/Movie?
I don't actually watch TV or movies that often. But I guess I'd say Gravity Falls for my favorite TV show, and The Hunger Games for my favorite movie

Favorite Book?
Like not watching TV or movies often, I don't read that much either unless its for school. I do like me a good horror book though.

I LOVE baking, its my favorite. I like writing, too. Others are volleyball, cross stitching, and cooking.

Do you play any sports?
Yes, I play volleyball.

Favorite animal/pet?
Dogs, and chinchillas.

Do you have any pets? What are they, and what are their names?
I have 4 dogs.

My dog is a full breed yorkie. Her name is Meeska (Yes, I got the name from Mickey Mouse clubhouse. I'm a Disney nerd) then there is Tasci, she's my mothers dog and is also a full breed yorkie. She is Meeska's mom.
I have a Maltese. Her name is Jayva, she's my moms dog as well. And then there is Zooky, he's a full breed yorkie and is my brothers dog.

Have any siblings?
Yes. I have 3 brothers and no sisters (Sad days)

Pet peeve?
When my friends TAKE MY PHONE.

Things that make you cringe?
Nails scratching down a chalkboard, and sound of cotton. Hate. It.

Favorite song(s) ATM?
Baby (Clean Bandit ft Marina & Luis Fonsi),  and Think Before I Talk (Astrid S).

Favorite artist(s)?
Bebe Rexha and Anne-Marie

Favorite Candy/Chocolate?
Trolli Gummi Worms, ALL THE WAY. My favorite chocolate is Dove's dark chocolate.

What other languages do you speak besides English?
Yo hablo Español (Spanish). I've been speaking and learning Spanish for about 9 years now.

Biggest Phobia/Fear?
Spiders!!! I also hate seeing clogged toilets, they make me gag, and Its terrible because I live in a house of boys. You don't know how many times the luxurious toilet gets clogged.

Edit: I also just found out I have a fear of seeing or peeling peeled skin (Dermophobia). Also includes seeing shedded snake skin. Just found it out after my Dad asked me to peel his peeling sunburn.

Are you happy right now?
I think so...

Favorite quote?
Be like a postage stamp. Stick to a thing till you get there.


People are like slinkies. Not very good for much, but bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

Least favorite question?
Why are you so tall? ITS IN MY GENES, DO YOU KNOW SCIENCE?!

Favorite soda?
Dr. Pepper

Favorite food?
French Fries

Favorite Color?

The following questions are ones of my own :)

Do you like watching anime?
I watch anime and its good, but I don't necessarily like it that much. My all time favorite and wouldn't mind Binge Watching shows are Fairy Tail (obviously), Snow White with Red Hair, Maid~Sama (Where I got inspiration for this book), and My Hero Academia.

Favorite Fairy Tail Ships to you out of 5 in order from favorite to okay favorite?
2. Jerza
3. Rowen
4. Gajevy
5. Nalu
And then a crack ship that I like is Lyredy.

Bad habits?
Biting my nails, and picking scabs.

Sick of anything?

Im allergic to Lavender soaps, and basically anything with lavender in it. Also deathly allergic to mornings.

Anime crush?
I have a weird obsession with white haired anime boys. Its strange... Now to the actual question, my anime crush(es) are Shu from Diabolik Lovers, Akise from future diary, Zeref (His voice in the English dub is gold!) and Cobra from Fairy Tail, and Karma from Assassination classroom.

The following are random questions :)

Battery Percentage?
23% :/

Last person you texted?
My best friend.

Last text?
*cough* Here we go:


Jealous type?
I don't think so... I get jealous when people eat French fries. Does that count?

Are you okay?
Nope. I'm a little dead inside.

Last thing you bought?
Foundation for my BEAUTIFUL (not true) beautiful face.

3 things you'd change about yourself
My looks
My teeth
My short breakable nails

The following are This or That questions :)

Coke or Pepsi?
Hmm... This is a hard one.... Um..
Dr. Pepper.

Beach or Pool?
Pool. The sand at beaches bug me.

Instagram or Snapchat?
I don't have either. So I guess I'd go with Instagram...?

Your Mom or Dad?
Ermmmmmm... My dog. Jk. Both. I love my parents ❤

Dogs or Cats?
DOGS. Cats are okay, but dogs are much better.

Laundry or Dishes?
Dishes. Laundry sucks.

Perfect Teeth or Perfect hair?
Perfect teeth. My teeth are TERRIBLE.

Theme Park or Water park?
Water park

Elementary or Junior High/Middle school?
Junior High.

Junior High/Middle school or Highschool?
Never been to Highschool, but I believe its better than Junior High.

Lust or Love?
😏 just one?
Im just kidding. Love. I'm not the dirty type of girl (though I have the dirtiest mind)

Tea or Coffee?

Any questions for me? Feel free to ask!!!

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