Maid Outfits

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Erza sat comfortably in her room on her nice scarlet bed, a blue blanket hung around her shoulders and lower body warming her up from her short short pajama pants and tank top. Her laptop was opened as the bright light brightened her room as the night was upon her.

It was dark in her room, although there was a light from their street emitting into her room. Her door was opened a bit, a light from the halls of her house also seeping through the crack.

Her finger glided over the finger pad as she went to the search browser an started typing at a speed only she could muster. What was she searching, exactly?

She was searching online about Maid Café's, a little research wouldn't hurt the poor Scarlet haired girl. She was confused in what this 'dressing in a maid costume and serving people food' concept was, so why not have the internet help?

As she clicked on a sight, her eyes grew wide. The site had many descriptions, and help trying to find a Maid Café to apply for near them.

'waitresses dress in maid costumes and act as servants, treating their customers as masters (and mistresses) in a private home, rather than an actual café.'

Sure she learned many things that got her interested and excited to work as a maid (if she got the job), but what got her most excited was that she got to dress up and role-play.

The girl loved acting as a nurse in her free time - when she was alone, and sometimes would act as a magic weilder in heavy duty armor looking almighty and acting scary towards people.

She loved dressing up. She loved clothes and had a full on walk in closet where she stored her clothes. Her friends thought she was crazy with her clothes obsession, but she paid no mind to it.

With this Maid Café job, she would get a maid outfit that she can keep for herself. Meaning, she could act as a maid giving a man the life.

Erza squealed quietly as her hand covered her mouth. Her face grew hot as an image of her... being a maid... punishing a man... ran through her mind.

"Could you be any more louder, Sister?" Erza jumped as her little sister walked into the room, scaring the life out of her.

"Kagura! Aren't you supposed to be in bed.. asleep?" Erza exclaimed as she used both hands to close her laptop.

"Supposed to be," she said in a dull un-interested tone "but not able to because someone is squealing too much."

"Sorry..." Erza apologized and looked at the wall next to her bed.

"Better be. Anyway, go to bed."

"Alright, good night Kagura... love you!!" Erza chimed at her sister who was growing red.

"Y-yeah.... w-whatever.." she stammered as she walked out of the room, closing her sisters door.

Erza softly smiled as she shuffled around her bed, grabbing her laptop and setting it aside on her nightstand before cuddling underneath her covers.

An exciting day awaited her in the morning.


School was terrible for everyone. Lucy had her test in homeroom and that pink haired idiot did sit next to Lucy and copy her test, which Lucy tried her best not to let him copy, but gave in after he didn't stop. She was mad about this, yes, but got her anger out by swiftly thinking about the job interview and becoming a maid.

Juvia was looked at, from the corner of the monster Lisanna's eyes, and sometimes straight on. All of the staring made her want to curl up, but she kept from doing it when someone stopped Lisanna from proceeding with her glare.

Maid Café Secret (A Fairy Tail Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora