Putting Together The Missing Pieces

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I found a FT video that I liked finally! Its up there, and is by Anime Safe Haven! She is so amazing and does way more FT Amv's which are so good! I have many more down below that you can watch which I also like.

Okay, back to the chapter! Enjoy it, there are only a few chapters left before this fanfiction ends.


Lucy's P.O.V

The week has been a huge blur to me-

It all started Monday with Lisanna, the girl who almost - quite literally - killed me. The week was long and spiteful, that I barely even noticed it was a Thursday.

So many things have happened since Monday, and everyone has heard about what had happened that fateful Monday afternoon-

After Mirajane and the others saved me - from almost getting strangled to death by a blood thirsty girl who needed revenge for no apparent reason- everyone, involved with Lisanna's plan, had to get an interview with the Principle.

Including me.

I told the complete truth: The past few weeks and how they were torturous to me- Lisanna and her dirty thirst for revenge- her bullying me and my friends for years- and many other things the terrible girl did to me or my friends.

Safe to say, Lisanna is suspended from school for a full 2 weeks, and when she returns, WILL be monitored. She wasn't the only one suspended, however. Her two other minions as well - who helped Lisanna almost kill me. They are also going to be watched to make sure they don't cause any trouble.

Speaking of Araña and Flare, the two currently hold the title "Single" after Gajeel and Gray broke up with them that very night of Monday. I was there when it happened-

(No one's P.O.V: Monday Night)

Lucy, Gray, Gajeel, and Ultear walked to some place when they suddenly ran into Flare and Araña. It had been only a day since the two were suspended.

At seeing her boyfriend, Flare beamed and ran up to Gray to give him a hug- but Gray stepped back.

"Sorry." he said in a low voice.

"Gray?" Flare stopped running when she saw her boyfriend stiffen and backen up when she ran fast to cease a bear hug- which Gray clearly didn't want.

"I just- I just, don't really like you any more." Gray explained- breaking the chain really was hard especially when your girlfriend was Flare.

Tears filled the red heads eyes. "Are you-" she choked a sob "breaking up with me..?!"

"Clearly, yes." Gray narrowed his eyes "Your just different from the girl I liked from the beginning" he didn't even sound apologetic.

"What?!" screeched Flare, literally, in Gray's - her now ex boyfriends - face. "You can't do this, babe!" jumping to get the hug from her boyfriend *cough* ex that she wanted a few seconds ago, though she clanged to Gray's arm instead.

"Get off of me!" Gray screeched back a little more quietly.

"Sucks for her." Araña said in a low breathe.

"Sucks for you, too" Gajeel said as he was now standing, not infront of the green haired woman, but beside. "You also don't have a boyfriend now."


"I'm breaking up with you." Gajeel said plainly, his voice low and dangerous.

"W-why?! I'm nothing like Lisanna and Flare- you have no right to break up with me!"

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