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Lucy walked to school the following Monday, book bag slung over her shoulders, normal uniform on, and a smile on her face.

She was aware of her surroundings because 1, Natsu could scare her at any moment. 2, she might spot her friends (Who she hadn't talked to since early in the morning). And 3, it was good to make sure you were safe.

She wasn't happy it was Monday (A/N: Literally me every Monday 😭) but it was good to stay positive.

Alas, she walked through the gates of her school, and was immediately standing next to someone;

Natsu Dragneel.

Lucy had noticed that without under watch by Lisanna, Natsu would always be by her side talking to her. This had been going on ever since they started the secret.

With a sigh, Lucy looked to her left at Natsu and shared her smile "Good morning."

"Mornin' Lucy! How was your week?" He asked with his hands behind his head.

"Eh, normal.. You?"

"Exciting…. I got to see you on Saturday at your work, even though you didn't say Hi to me…" Natsu asked out loud in barely a whisper as they continued to walk to their school entrance.

Lucy smacked the back of his head "Idiot!! Don't talk about it out loud!!! You said you wouldn't tell anyone about the secret unless we didn't obey you guys!" forgetting she was, too, in public, she sorta yelled a bit out loud.

"Ow…. You didn't have to hit me THAT hard!" Natsu whined as he cradled the back of his head. Lucy only folded her arms snottily and stook her nose in the air with a 'Hmph.'

"Just be quiet about it… you guys promised."

"Yeah, yeah." Natsu rubbed the back of his head where it was one last time before dropping his hands to his sides "Wanna head to class?"

"Why not? Your making me do it anyway." Lucy said as she slumped with a pout "Lets go!"

As the two ran into the school, they zoomed past a learking easdropper who heard their conversation.

All. Of. It.

The person wasn't all to happy.


The end of school came around, and needless to say, she was pooped. Her back hurt a lot, and so did her head. It didn't help that she had to work in an hour.

Heading out of her last class, Lucy wanted to leave the school so she could leave and get medicine at home and then leave for work, but she had to stop by the bathroom.

Walking into the restroom, she headed straight for a stall (A/N: Do I need to explain what she's doing? Its kinda obvious.)

Before leaving the bathroom after she was in the said room for a minute or so, she fixed her hair in the mirror and headed out the door.

"Welcome to the Maid Café, Masters!!" Lucy greeted the four boys with a bow and a smile "Follow me to your table!"

The four followed instructions and did as told, following behind the blonde excitement in their footsteps - they were getting food after all.

Lucy stopped at their booth, spreading the menus neatly on the placemats and stepped aside for the men to sit. "Sadly.." Lucy said under her breathe "Ill be your servant today, Masters!" with talent, Lucy skillfully slid the tiny notebook -with pen attached- they used to take orders out of her pocket in the little apron she on her maid outfir "Do you Masters know what drinks you want? You've been here so much you just gotta know what you want!"

Gray raised his index, middle finger, and thumb up signaling what he wanted "Ice cold water please." Lucy jotted the order down.

"Water, too please." Jellal asked; Lucy of course wrote the drink down.

"Nothing." was what came from Natsu's mouth.

"Root beer, please." Gajeel asked, and that was the last one Lucy wrote.

"Alright! Your drinks will be with you shortly." Lucy said with one last smile before turning on her heel, to head towards the kitchen to get the beverages herself.


After the boys ordered their food, that was the last for Lucy. Her job was done for the night.

She strolled to the changing room slugishly, and once inside, took off her shoes and thigh high white socks before sitting down next to her locker. School being hard, plus work, really tired her and it was driving her nuts. She wanted to get home, and take a nice warm bubble bath to calm herself. Mondays really got her worked up.

"You look tired." Erza was also done for the night; The two ended shifts at the exact time. Juvia and Levy finish 5 or so minutes after.

"That's because I am. School is really stressing me out, and is killing my insides!" Lucy said in a pained voice, adding to her ending words.

Erza chuckled "You've been getting attention from a certain someone, that's why."

"A-tt-en-tion?" Lucy asked confused in the matter.

Erza nodded her head lightly as she stripped off her dress "By Natsu, I mean. He's been giving only you tasks, and as far as I know, your the only one getting tasks. Me and the other girls haven't gotten anything but our first time."

"Lucky... Natsu always asks if he and I can walk to class in the morning, and I've noticed that he gets to school early to avoid his little girlfriend just to ask me." Lucy said as she started to undress and change into her normal clothes.

Erza only smiled at this and put on her shirt, buttoning it up as she turned to Lucy. "Better be careful. Lisanna might throw you up against a wall next and make you tell her why you were spending time with her man."

"That's what's killing me! I fear Lisanna will do it to me, which don't get me wrong, I don't want it to happen to Juvia, but me? I just wish I could stop him from following me so we both don't get into trouble. But... I can't..."

"Its okay. Someday they'll get over this little game, and think it isn't fun anymore."

"I hope so."


Following what Lucy wanted to do when she got home, the girl took a long warm bubble bath comfortably. The steam rose from the tune and added to her face so it was warm like the rest of her body.

Lucy sank in more and shut her eyes - not falling asleep - letting the hot cool water sink into her body.

The water did calm her. She would need it. Especially since something was coming her way tomorrow.

It was a good thing coming, though.


Next few chapters are all on the same Monday as this one, just in different perspectives of the girls. Goes in order of Lucy (this one), Erza (Next one), Levy, and then Juvia. (THESE parts contain some ship moments :3)

Loved it? Hated it? Don't care at all about this part of the fic? Let me know!!!

~1185 words~
Not Edited

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