The big bonanza

Começar do início

When we got to his car he opened my side for me and waited till I was in then closed the door and jogged over to the driver side.

He started the car and off we went to god knows where. Soon after he spoke up.

''So James is an interesting character...'' He starts off. I laugh.

''Yeah, he basically raised me. I love him like a father.'' I said lovingly as I think of how protective James is when it comes to me.

''I see... Well then I have to prove to him I'm not here to hurt you.'' He says casually with a lopsided grin on that handsome face of his.

''Haha, yeah whatever mister.'' I laughed and we both kept quiet until we stopped at the local park.

But, only, there are all sorts of rides and stalls this time. How did I forget the fun fair was in town! Oh I know... Prob cause I didn't really care until a certain guy caught my attention. Now I'm getting excited. I love the fun fair!

I gasped as we pulled in and Kaidan just chuckle next to me.

''You are such a child.'' He teased me.

''Am not!'' I defended sticking my tongue out at him. We burst out laughing and got out of the car. He lead me toward the rides and I saw bumper cars. Yay bumper cars!

''I wanna go!'' I yell excitedly at Kaidan while pointing towards the ride. He laughs.

''Yeah okay come on miss Mareu.'' He teased me and I slap him on his arm.

''Ouch! What was that for??'' He mocked at me. Grrrr.

''Don't'' I said lifting an eyebrow.

''Don't what?'' He asked innocently. If that's not cute then I don't know what is..

''Call me that.'' I said sternly.

''Just call me Lyn or Stormlyn. Please.'' I said as we moved towards the ride.

''Alright, Lyn. Let's go bumpin!'' He shouted and started running towards the cars.

Really?! Haha I can just laugh. I met up with him shortly after and he paid for two cars. He insisted on paying for me as tonight was his treat. I reluctantly accepted and we both got in our bump cars.

''You're going down!'' He yells at me from across the floor.

''In your dreams woman!'' I yell cheekily back. We laughed and then we heard the siren and the cars start up.

I quickly hit the drive pedal and deliberately head for Kaidan's car and bump him.

''You were saying?'' I yelled over the noise and started laughing again. Wow. I haven't laughed so much since Danny.

I see him smirk and I hit the reverse pedal. Kaidan takes his chance and bumps straight into me and we both burst out laughing.

''I told you, you're going down! Buhahaha!'' He laughed evilly.

We kept bumping each other back and forth for like 10 minutes when the alarm goes off again and the cars stop moving.

I got out of mine when I suddenly felt Kaidan helping me. I blushed as I stumbled a bit into him and he caught me.

''Woah there..'' He jokes while laughing.

''Sorry..'' I blushed even more when I gazed into those watery blue eyes.

''Don't be. C'mon let's get something to nibble.'' He smiles as he takes my hand. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. His hand feels so soft and warm..

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora