I love you

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Adams POV
I was on my way to the flower shop to give James some flowers they were going to be passion vines. I was done shopping and head over to the candy shop.

I ordered some chocolate and cake for me and him to eat. I grab some vanilla chocolate covered in sprinkles and a ckae that was red velvet with red frosting.

I was done paying and drove on the way to his house I hope he likes this. I got out of the car and went to the door Ang ring it.

James POV
I heard a ding dong and standing there was Adam.

"A-Adam what are you doing here"

"I came to give you these"


"Yes James I love you you are precious to me and I want you."

"Wow I love you to"

They both hugged

"I love you Adam"

"I love you James" 💟💟💟

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