Chapter 2✳️

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"Go and lay down we can always throw  you another party".

"No I'll be okay for a bit besides I'm hungry".

"Let's go in the kitchen so you can choose what you want to eat".

They walk in the kitchen to see Talia stirring something on the stove, "I had the chef prepare some polish food for you the goulash is ready. The table has already been set we were waiting for the both of you to come downstairs before we began to eat. Derek show Stiles into the dining room then come back and help me bring the food to the dining table will you".

"Yes mum".

Stiles walk into the dining room to find all eyes turn to her but the smiles were warm, she knew everyone was pack. David pulls out a chair for her to sit on, she thanks him and sit and pour herself a glass of apple juice. She drinks it in one go and pours herself another.

"Breastfeeding makes you so thirsty", says Laura from where she was sitting next to her husband.

Stiles smiles "Yeah it does", everyone around the table laughs.

David, Derek's father get up and leaves the table and  comes back with Talia and Derek who's hands was filled with trays laden with plates of food. When all the food was on the table Talia and David take a seat. Stiles notices she's sat next to Derek opposite his parents who were sat at one end of the long table. The seat reserved for the Alpha heir and his mate.

Stiles tucks into the food, she was glad to see burgers and fries on the table as well as the polish food. She was putting some goulash sauce onto her burger bun when Laura tells her she's only one of four spark know to be alive in a hundred years.

"I hid I'm a spark from people, I know how people want the prestige of dating or marrying one into their pack. I tend to use scent blockers, Derek desired me without knowing about my magic".

"Burgers and curly fries next to goulash and Pierogis are my favourite food. My mum when she was alive use to say I made the best Pierogis. Baking is my specialty I could spend all day baking, it's great for thinking".

"I hope I get to taste some of your food soon", says Talia smiling at her.

"In two months we'll be calling you doctor", says Peter sounding very impressed.

"Yeah I'll be working at the Veterinary Clinic here in town and just need to pass the last inter pack exam and I'm a fully fledged emissary".

"Beauty and brains Derek much like myself you got lucky", says Peter winking at Stiles. She smiles as Peter's wife beams at her.

"Don't you let Derek forget it either Stiles", Julie says kissing her husband.

"Stiles was expecting Derek to say they weren't together instead he said, "Don't I know it".

Crying could be heard over the baby monitor next to Stiles she get up, "Someone is awake and need feeding excuse me". She leaves the table and walk into Emily's nursery she picks her up, "Don't worry mama's here".

She put Emily down and go to her room and change into pyjamas and a robe before picking up Emily and breastfeeding her. She burps and changes Emily then put clean clothes on her.  Stiles sits on her bed and put the tv on to a baby programme. There was a knock on her door it was Derek who had the rest of her dinner plus a piece of cherry pie and ice cream.

He holds Emily while she finishes  eating, "Your family is so wonderful thank you for everything".

Derek look down on the moles on Emily's face very much likes Stiles, "Every time I look at her I'm so happy she's here".

"You're not the only one with my dad dying and me not having any living relatives it has been very lonely for me. Being a super genius in high school wasn't great for making friends either. I had one friend when I was growing up Scott but he was just starting high school when I was starting college we grow apart".

"You have lots of family now and the betas who will be good friends to you, how come money was so short for you?"

"The placement for my course payed nothing, my dad's will did leave me some money but by the time I sold my childhood home and payed taxes. There was just enough to pay off the rest of my college tuition, my travel cards and pay my half of the rent for three months upfront and buy somethings for Emily. I think Mathew stole fifteen thousand pounds from me but I couldn't prove it. There wasn't  a lot of landlords wanting to rent to an unemployed pregnant women. I eventually couldn't paid my half of the rent but Mathew let me stay out of guilt from stealing from me I think".

"We were meant to meet each other again Stiles".

"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you".

"No you're not you're the mother of my child besides you need to finish your studies and when your job starts you can contribute to the pack funds. In the mean time I'll will for all three of us. Why don't you let me pay off any loans you currently have, so it's one less stress for you to worry about. I want to before you start saying no".

"Okay thank you", Stiles smiles down at Emily who had fallen asleep. "Do you think we bored her?"

Derek kisses Emily's forehead, "I think we did". They chuckle quietly together then go and put her in her crib.

Kindness Is The Building Block(kindnessseriesbook1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz