This Was the Beginning

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Title: This Was the Beginning

Volume of Appearance: Petals of Blood

Date: October 31, 2010

I will destroy you.

You disgust me the way you talk.

I hate the way your words spill form your mouth.

I hate the way your body stands.

I hate the way my name rolls off your tongue like sweet sorrow.

The way your every move invites me to come closer to you.

I will not fall.

I will not become like all the rest.

I am untamable.

I am wild.

Evasive as the wind, and hot as a flame.

I will not fall victim to your looks, the way your eyes trail along my body.

Catch me.

Run as fast as you can for me.

And you will never win.

Reach out your strong arms and you will never hold me.

Follow me.

For the rest of your days you will be cursed to crave me.

To lust for me.

To desire me.

To love me.

And I will be unforgiving.

I will be merciless.

I will take your heart as you offer it and I will crush it between my fingers without a thought.

As the blood of your veins rolls down my fingers like sweet rivers I will look at you and I will feel nothing.

As you cry out my name.

As you beg for me...

I will remain as immovable as stone.

I will not be swayed by the way your gaze lingers on me.

I will not succumb to the way you hover over me like a fierce defender.

I will not want those sweet lips to fall upon mine.

I will not.

I will never.

I cannot.

I do not.

I must not.

How can I.

What can I.

Why can't I stop it?

I love you.

That is why.

It is true.

I have become yours.

Now and always.

I will be yours.

Though wild and untamed I have become your victim.

I pray that I do not break you as well.

I hope you are stronger than those before you.

Believe me when I say I am like a violent storm.

Waiting for the perfect chance to strike.

I will use everything against you.

I will beat at the barriers around you.

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