Self Worth

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Why do we judge other people? Why do people judge in the first place?

Why do other people judge others by their appearances?

I guess we can never be free from lookism..

Am I fake for wearing makeup? Even if I could live an ordinary life just like them thanks to my makeup?

Inside school it's easy to be ignored or be an outcast if you're ugly. If you're different, if you don't act or look like everyone else. If that's the case, who's to blame? And.. who's the victim?

I feel like everyone at school is trying to be the same. Look the same, take on the same kind of clothes brand.

But shouldn't you be okay to be yourself and wear what you want? Maybe they'd say, "but this is my style!"

A lot of my life I wanted to be someone else. I hated how quiet and shy I was. I hated that I was teased and bullied when I was younger.

But my experiences have made me become the person I am now!

Except, it hurt. Those times where I felt lost, where I felt like nobody liked the person I was. I wanted to be that funny girl. I wanted to be the class clown, I wanted to be the cool girl, I wanted to be.. what I was not.

I look back now and to be honest I can see why I felt that way. I was shy, yet I wanted to be talkative.

But now I've changed. I've accepted myself a little more than I once did.

Now I will say that I'm still working on it and I am definitely not perfect. Nobody is. And things take time.

Believe in yourself.

Just the other day I was watching something and the woman that was speaking was talking to her friend saying that she never felt good about herself and she was finally admitting that she had a hard time with her self worth.

I thought it was cool because the friend said, "You're amazing. I wish you could meet yourself, I think you'd really like her."

Meet yourself.

I thought that was really cool, and so from that day on I've been trying to get to know myself. Understand and see the person that I am.. and accept it.

Take what the friend said and apply it to yourself. Doesn't that make you feel better? I love that perspective. It has really helped me..

And I hope that it helps you. You have a whole life ahead of you full of potential and light. You have agency, you choose what you want in your life. You're in control of what happens.

Be the person you want to be. Be the person that you are. Choose to accept yourself.

Choose to get to know yourself and be okay with who you are.

It's okay to be different. It sets you apart and makes you special and to be honest I'd rather be that than the same as someone else.

Choose. To. Love. Yourself.

Be • you • tiful

(I take no credit for the phrase above)


I love you guys and I hope that your day has been going well and I hope that this really helped. Don't let life get the better of you.
Choose to have a good attitude and look for the positive.

If you ever need someone to talk to, direct message me on Wattpad. You can even put "Don't read, this is a rant." at the top if you'd like and I will not read it! But I will always lend a listening ear if you need one! ♥️

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