Problem Solving

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Let's talk about problem solving.

It's different for everybody, but when it comes to problem solving, more than one thing could be the solution.

Here's what helped me:

Once I finally acknowledged there was a problem, I began to evaluate and assess it.

What was the problem?

How has it affected me?

How long has this been a problem?

and finally,

What can I do about it?

That is the question we will have to ask ourselves if we want to get passed this rut in the road.

After I did this, I studied myself and tried to learn how I functioned and what could possibly help me.

Here is what I came up with.

I grabbed my trusty notebook that I keep near my bed, and began creating a plan.

(I keep the notebook by my bed and easily accessible so I can draw upon it in times of need.)

Then I wrote out my plan in my notebook, titling it "When I'm at my lowest lows" :

First thing I wrote was a song called You'll be in my heart and into the west. These songs remind me of my grandparents ~ it was a song in a slide show created in memory of them. It helps me remember that they are cheering me on from up above and they are with me. I can do this! Hold on!

I also added songs that helped me such as:

~ You're worth it, by Cimorelli
~ He hears your heart by Bryn Castleton
~Good Vibes by HRVY

I also created a playlist on Spotify to help me as well!

Next I created a list to remember:

• Remember I've gotten through all my other lows. I am strong, I will get through this one too.

• I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I like to remind myself to let my Savior Jesus Christ be apart of this, let him take some of it away. He knows how to succor and help me. He knows exactly what I am going through and He loves me! He is always there for me and has given me strength in times of need.

• You are way too hard on yourself!

• Don't isolate yourself, you are not alone!

• Remember the basics:
• Make your bed
• Eat every meal
• do some self care
• Get a good night's sleep
• if religious, read your scriptures and pray

• Write your thoughts down. Use a vent journal. What started this low?

• Play & Listen to energizing music, sing and dance! have fun with it ;) Do NOT listen to sad music (or at least try not to, try to feel empowered) Sometimes I listen to sad music for comfort, do whatever is best for you!

• Service, help others, be mindful and fill needs when you see them. Take care of others. Reach out to others! Bake treats and give them to neighbors, feed the homeless, Random Acts of kindness go a long way!! and they make me incredibly happy ;)

• Get comfy! Wear comfy clothes, even pjs! make sure you are comfortable, wear cozy socks even! I like to wear a comfort hoodie & beanie

• watch comfort movies/tv shows or watch your fav TV show or movie! Just make sure to watch something you enjoy.

• Turn on fairy lights, LED lights. For this one, just try to make your room feel magical and fun! like a party!

• Take a good nap

• go for a walk, hike, lay on a trampoline or blanket outside. Just be outside and enjoy the sun, being out in nature and in the sun certainly brightens my day!

• Read a book!

• Don't isolate yourself. Sometimes we need alone time, but let's make sure that doesn't become cutting people out of our lives for a time. Hang with family, call up someone close to you, hang with friends if that isn't too much for you yet.

• I like to paint or draw. For this one, do something creative or spend your time on your hobbies! Spend time doing the things you love

• Receive or give a hug. Hug someone or if you're not comfortable with hugs, but you would still like one, hug a stuffed animal! Or your pet!

• Cry. It is okay to cry! Let yourself feel! Your feelings are valid! (not facts, but valid!)

•Eat/Drink something tasty, something you love!

• Do some self care! Let's feel empowered! Here are some ideas:
• Paint nails
• Take a nice bath
• Shave
• follow a makeup or hair tutorial
• Wear your best outfit
• Do a face, hair, lip, etc. mask
• do some skincare
• take care of your eyebrows
• take care of your hands, feet, & skin. Clean them and then use lotion to moisturize
• Floss and use a breath mint
• curl, straighten, style your hair!
• create new outfits, style, and rock them! Shop for accessories? Shop for new pieces even
• take a nap if you are tired

• Think about all the amazing, beautiful things in the world and the things that you have!
• Create a list and show your gratitude! Being grateful goes a long way and definitely can brighten my mood a bit in a low.

Final notes:

• There are better days coming ♥️
• Remember to smile, even if it's hard. Smiling can boost your mood
• Remember to take care of yourself, remember those basics!
• Little steps, don't worry about the time. Each small step adds up and pretty soon you walked an entire mile!


There are plenty more ideas, actions, and reminders we can add to this list, but these are things that have helped me personally.

As I said before, we are all different so one thing may help me, but not help you.

That being said,
Can I ask you to do something for me?

Will you make a solutions list for yourself? It doesn't have to be big or long, it can be even one or two things!

I want you to take care of yourself. Please create a list of your own, or if things on mine resonated with you, be my guest and use them!

You can use my entire list if it will help you. That is my intention of this chapter today. If any of this helped you, I am so glad ♥️

If you ever need someone to talk to, direct message me on Wattpad. You can even put "Don't read." at the top if you'd like and I will not read it! But if you would like me to read it, I will always lend a listening ear if you need one! ♥️

I am open to helping you discover your solutions as well! Don't be afraid to message me! I am also in the works of creating an Instagram account dedicated to my WattPad account, if that is easier, please don't hesitate to let me know!

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