Therapy & Solutions

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After years & years of heartache and suffering, I eventually began to see a therapist. I met with my therapist once per week until things got easier, and I could go longer. It then grew to every other week and soon once a month. 

At first, I hated the fact that I needed to go to therapy to get better, I had the mindset that I should be able to figure things out on my own. But as I kept going, things started to get worse, and I wasn't healing or getting better on my own. I found that I needed help. It was hard to accept that I needed the help of therapy or medications, but it got to the point that I just wanted to get relief. 

Things slowly got easier. I believe everyone can benefit from therapy and the solutions and different self-help strategies, even if you don't struggle with any mental illnesses of any kind. The relief that it gave me really brought me to a point where I didn't really need to go anymore. I was finally able to get on with my life. 

It's been about 5-6 months since I went to therapy. I still struggle and sometimes I wonder if I should or need to go back. But then I learn to cope with it and get through the lows and highs of my mental health and am able to keep going. 

Maybe I could benefit some, but I am doing better than I have ever before. I would like to share some of the solutions and experiences I learned in therapy so they it may also benefit and help you. 


1. First identify the triggers. Analyze yourself, what led up to feeling this way? Get to know how your mind works and how your mental health functions. 

Then you can begin to find solutions. 

Let's start with anxiety: 

        ** Container Exercise **

Think of a container, doesn't matter what it is exactly, but a container with a lid to keep the contents inside like a jar. 

Then, take the jar, and set everything that is making you anxious, stresses, anything like that really. Just any negative emotions and close the lid tightly. 

Sometimes it helps me to write down all these emotions, stresses, etc. and then close the notebook like the container and let it stay there far away from me. It helps me process as well.

      **Breathing Exercises**

1. 4 -- 6 breathing 

For this, you want to begin counting to four as you breathe in, then count to 6 as you breathe out. Focus on counting to help calm you down.

2. Below the waves

This one can also be added to 4 -- 6 breathing. Above the waves is a storm. Rain, thunder, lightning, as well as crashing waves. Go below the waves and the ocean is calm. Stay there for as long as you need, this can help recenter yourself.  You got this!

3. Positive in, negative out

When you are breathing in, imagine all positivity coming into your body. Sunshine, happiness, peace, etc. Then, as you breathe out, have all the negativity, stresses, worries, etc. leave your body as you exhale. 

4. 5 senses

This has helped me time and time again when I am socially anxious. Wherever you are, you're going to do this senses activity. 

Find 5 things you can see. Name them off. 

Find 4 things you can feel. Name them off.

Find 3 things you can hear. Name them and describe them.

Find 2 things you can smell. Name them!

Find 1 thing you can taste. Name it.

As you do this, this will help bring your body back to the present moment and help with your "lizard" brain, or as my therapist called it: "zombie brain". It is when your brain is basically frozen, you're not thinking straight. 
You can also modify any of these, so they are applicable to you!! For example, for me, I found it easiest to do the 5 senses activity when I was going for a walk. It helped me relax and calm down.

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