Thoughts #2

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Okay, I've been thinking.

You know those school dances in High school?
The ones where they can turn out horribly wrong and awkward, or totally the best night of your life?

Yeah, you know what I'm talking about..
Well I've never been to one.

Don't get me wrong, I turned 16 January 19th, so I can actually go to them now.

But at the same time, now that I can date and go to dances, I honestly have no where to start..

I don't know many guys, and I honestly don't believe I'm that pretty.
It's not even a competition.

And behind all of it, the next dance is girl's choice.
Yeah, I'm not going.

Y'know, every girl wants that validation of a guy thinking they're pretty. Every girl wants a guy to ask her out just to know that she's worth something.
Sounds awful right?

I mean I have a few guys liking me, but they're all weirdos, they'll jump over garbage cans to impress me and one even stalked me. (no offense to them)

But still, I want that validation from a cute guy. Every girl does.

But to be honest, I'm looking at this all wrong.
I don't need a guy to know how much of worth I am. I don't need someone to tell me that I'm beautiful.

I should already know.

I like to look at it this way:

Guys around you think you're cute and pretty, and so they don't ask you out or ask you to a dance because they think someone else has already asked. It may even be that they don't have the guts to ask you either!

You're so pretty that they lack the confidence to even talk to you.

And all they can do is admire you from afar.

Take this into consideration.

[UPDATE] as of August 27, 2021:
I have actually been to 2 school dances now, (it could have been more if covid didn't happen :( ) and guess what?? The guys who asked me were actually scared to ask but had the courage to ask. Your time will come you guys, and it will be truly wonderful so don't stop being your beautiful self and the right people will come along!

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