Can you Relate?

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When you are open about depression and anxiety (doesn't have to be these exactly) and people mark you down as a miserable person. You are not a miserable person, you are an intense person. When you feel happiness or love you feel those things intensely, and you feel pain intensely.
It's the price of feeling.

(I don't take credit for this, a friend sent it to me)

This is an example of a thinking trap. Sometimes we just need to step outside of ourselves and ideas and find a different perspective.

In this case, our thinking trap is labeling. You or someone is believing that you are a miserable person. If we step outside of that thinking trap, we'll see that depression and anxiety doesn't make you a miserable person, it makes you an intense person. You love others more, you feel things more.

We need to remember that depression and anxiety aren't you, they may be a part of you and something you may have to deal with, but the things that we deal with, our experiences and impacts in our lives make us who we are.

I have depression and anxiety, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm grateful for them. They've shaped me into who I am. I used to always look at them negatively, but I can relate to so many people and I've become a great lifter to the people in my life.

I love who I am, and I've accepted my depression and anxiety and learned to let them be a part of who I am.

If you're sad, let yourself cry, let yourself feel. If you bottle it up, it's only going to explode later. It's like putting a bandage over a gash, it's not going to stop the bleeding.

We need to sew the gash. How? By allowing ourselves to feel. If you feel sad, let yourself be sad! Your feelings are valid. It's okay to feel that way!

After you let yourself feel, then take action. Evaluate, what can I do to take care of myself? Can I do anything about my circumstances? What made me feel sad? What is stressing me?

Then take care of yourself. Do self care, dress in your best outfit, do your hair nice. Feel confident, feel you. Smile.

Set a goal now to try and recognize these thinking traps in your own life. It may be hard at first, but I know you can do it!

- Sydney

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