Chapter 37: Mistaken

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Heart pounding, hands sweating, thoughts racing.

You didn't know what you were getting yourself into, one minute all you could think of was freeing Celest, and now you were hesitating, not sure if the actions you just took were the right ones.

"We're here, miss." The taximan answered making you jump from suddenly hearing his voice, taking you out of your train of thought.

"Oh, okay." You took out the money that was left in your pocket and thankfully you had enough. "Thank you." Was all you said as you exited. As the Taxi drove away you took a look around and you could see from afar the familiar blond haired woman with your redheaded friend.

You took a deep breath and although you wanted to run away, you wouldn't let yourself abandon your friend like that. As you walked closer and closer you started to remember all of the things she's done up to this point and everything she was capable of doing.

You were taking in short breaths making your heart speed up and your nerves worse. Rika was the first to turn around and look at you with Celest held tightly by her arm with her hands tied up. She held that same smile as always, now that you think of it, you've never seen her express anything other than a grin on her face.

"Y/n!" She shouted out to you making you flinch at her high yet too sweet voice. "I was wondering when you would get here!" She let out a small laugh as you finally took the last step towards her. Now you were only a few feet apart, and you gulped, drawing a blank as to how the hell you were supposed to get out of this situation.

No one knew where you were, no one knew what you were doing, no one was coming to save you, this isn't a game where you're the damsel in distress, this was all too real and you were gonna have to deal with the consequences.

"I'm here." Was all you managed to say.

"I can see that, silly! Now then, if you come with me, I'll keep my end of the bargain and let Celesty here go." She patted her head as if she would to a child.

"You bitch." Spat Celest as she had a hard glare fixed on her.

"Now now, what did I tell you?" You could see Celest grit her teeth and kept her mouth shut.

Rika turned back to you and held out her hand. "Ready to go?" You could feel your legs shaking and ultimately reached out to hold her hand.

Rika looked at your hand, seeing how nervous you were and let out a sigh. "I'm not going to hurt you, Y/n." She assured. You were completely and utterly confused, her voice sounded so sincere and for the first time her eyes and smile actually matched with her words, this only frightened you further.

"Well, just as I promised." Rika let go of your hand for a moment and untied Celest. You looked at your best friend and you could see the tears accumulating.

"It's gonna be okay." You tried to comfort her just as much as you did to yourself. She simply nodded and wiped away her tears.

"You're free, you can go now. I've got a lot of things planned for you and me!" Rika focused on you now and held both of your hands in excitement. You watched as Celest hesitantly took a few steps away but you gave her a curt nod and showed her a side smile.

Right before she walked away, you could see it on her face, "I'm sorry."

You could feel a knot in your throat seeing her leave but decided it was best to pay attention to the situation at hand. "What happens now?" You asked not bearing the tension.

"We're gonna have fun!" She held your hand in hers as she guided you to her car that wasn't very far. The windows were tinted and you couldn't see on the inside. You could practically hear your heart pounding in your ears as you got closer. "I want this to be a surprise so you're gonna have to put this on, Y/n!" She showed you an eye mask all giddy like. You gulped and took it from her and put it on, no questions asked, there really wasn't much you could do by this point.

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