Chapter 19: Uncertainty

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Your heart sank to the pit of your stomach.

"Wha-What?" You barely managed to whisper.

"I was-I was driving home when I suddenly got a call from the hospital, they say it was bad and and-" You could hear her starting to get a panic attack and tried your best to calm her.

"It's okay Jaehee, everything's gonna be fine, we'll head out now so just hang tight while we get there and try to calm your nerves, we don't want you getting hurt now do we?" You said with a forced smile but Saeyoung could see the tears streaming down your face as you spoke.

"Right, right, I'm almost there, I'll be waiting for you all, thank you Y/n." You didn't say goodbye before hanging up and bursting into tears.

"Y/n, what's going on???" Saeyoung urged feeling himself start to panic as every moment passed.

"Jumin's in the hospital, we gotta go, we've gotta get there fast, we-we have to get there now!" You couldn't control the anxiety attack as you tried your best to remember how you breathe and find the car keys at the same time.

"Y/n, Y/n, first I'm gonna need you to calm down okay?" Saeyoung was also panicking on the inside but one of you had to be strong at this point.

Ironic how you were freaking out after you told Jaehee to not freak out.

"What's going on?" Asked Saeran seeing the more than worried looks on your faces.

"Jumin's in the hospital and she's having an anxiety attack." Saeran was immediately at your side and decided to take charge.

"Saeyoung go get her coat and the keys and get the car started while I calm her down." He ordered. Saeyoung gave him a questioning look. "Just go!" Saeyoung nodded his head and left.

"Okay Y/n I'm gonna need you to breathe with me." He started taking deep breaths and encouraged you to follow. You did as he did and felt yourself starting to gain control again. "Good, now let's get you some water before we head out." You nodded your head and let him guide you to the kitchen.

After you calmed down, the two of you started heading out of the apartment and to the car where Saeyoung was waiting.

"You okay?" He asked still worried about how you were feeling.

"Yeah." You turned to look at Saeran before getting in the car. "I'm better now, let's get going."


"I'm here to see Jumin Han." You asked the lady at the desk. She noticed the urgency in your voice and quickly searched through the database.

"Yes, are you a family member?" She asked. You didn't know how to respond but Saeyoung beat you to it.

"Yes, we're cousins." He said as after he put away his phone and gave his ID to the lady.

He probably hacked the system and changed his data.

"Alright, he's on the 7th floor, room 259. Please, no running down the halls." She added. You said a quick thank you before speed walking down the halls.

The three of you waited for the elevator anxiously until it finally dinged. The three of you ran when there weren't doctors insight and slowed down when needed but eventually made it to Jumin's room. You took a deep breath before knocking on the door and opening it slowly.

And there he was.

Laying on the hospital bed with tubes extending to his arms from an IV bag and wires stretching from parts of his body to the heart monitor, beeping steadily and indicating his heart rate.

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