Chapter 17: Shut up and Drive

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He looks at you with a serious expression, maybe unsure even of what you were proposing.

You knew he wouldn't immediately agree so you tried to reassure him. "I've taught my friend how to drive and believe me, once she got into the driver seat all chill went out the window, she was a mess, but I kept my cool and she still managed to learn." Thinking back on that time, even after she learned how to drive, she still preferred walking and the bus. Come to think of it, she never got into the driver seat again. "So, what do you say?"

He walks out of the elevator and the doors close behind. "Let's get started."

"Great!" You jumped on the spot, twirled around and marched towards Jumin's car.

All of a sudden your phone rings.

"Hey, my hot potato, whatcha up to?"

Hot potato? We're on that stage already, huh?

His pet name for you earned him a giggle as you replied, "Uh, nothin' much. Just going to teach Jumin to drive. We got a couple of hours to kill."

I should tell Jaehee that we'll be coming later.

"No way I'm letting you drive with him alone."

"Are you jealous?" You raise your eyebrows teasingly.

"No, I just prefer you alive, ya know?" He sounded genuinely worried. 

How bad can Jumin be at driving?

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"You know, how in the game when Jumin drives Seven O- my car?"


"That actually happened."

You take a minute to recall. In the meantime- "I'm coming with you. Wait for me."

"Always, my defender of justice." You joked in the cutest voice, having recalled the messenger game, which unknown to you made him blush so red it put his hair to shame.

You didn't get a reply and looking back at your screen you noticed that he had hung up. You shrugged and having found Jumin's car, you leaned against it, setting off the alarm. You panicked but then It clicked off while Jumin reached for the driver seat, but you hurriedly took the handle and while the door was halfway open, "Uh, How about we find a clear area for you to drive first." You hold out your hand motioning him to give you the keys. He huffs in response and takes the passenger seat.

"Wait why don't you just drive us over there? We would be saving a lot of time." He said obviously trying to postpone the driving lesson. You crossed your arms over your chest and tapped your foot.

"That's not the point Jumin. I'm going to teach you how to drive even if it kills me!" You declared.

"It just might Y/n." You shrugged your shoulders and got in the driver's seat. You continue on to explain to Jumin the plan and quickly send a message to Jaehee before driving out.


I'm gonna be a bit late. Gonna show Jumin How to drive.


Okay, I'll be praying for your well being.



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