Chapter 13: Recovery

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You slowly opened your eyes but immediately closed them from the bright lights. You could hear someone else in the room, moving around by the sound of their steps.

After a few moments, you could finally open your eyes and look at the room around you. 

It was obviously a hospital considering the fact that there were three other beds in the room but they were empty.

"Oh! You're awake." The nurse said walking over to you. "How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked you kindly.

"Okay, I guess?" You didn't really know how to explain how you were feeling. " How long was I asleep?" 

"About a week, we were starting to get worried but thankfully it's nothing too bad since the car only bumped you, You might have been out for this long because of shock." The nurse walked into the hallway and looked left and right. "Oh! Amanda!" She called out with a wave. Soon another girl in street clothes walked in. She didn't look like a nurse or a doctor.

"While I go talk to the doctors, can you watch over her?" The nurse asked the brown haired girl.

"Sure!" She answered sweetly with a bounce of her curly brown hair.

"This is Amber, she's a volunteer here at the hospital, if you need anything, just ask her." And with that, the nurse was out of sight.

"Hi, How are you? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She asked kindly. You blinked a few times before actually responding.

"Oh, um... can I have something to eat? I'm actually kinda hungry." You said honestly, feeling your stomach grumble.

"Okay, I'll go ask what you can have to eat, I'll be right back." The girl walked out of the room and you just laid there on the bed, staring at the ceiling. You didn't even notice time fly because you hear the door open again.

"They said you could eat some Jell-O." She walked over to you and placed the food aside. "Here, let me lift up your bed so you can eat more comfortably. Amanda got a remote and pressed a button making the top part of the bed bend forward and then it came to a stop.

"Is that okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," You smiled kindly at her. "Thank you." Amanda always held a sincere smile on her face as she handed you the food.

"Hey, Amanda!" Someone called out from the hallway. She turned around to see one of her friends holding a bunch of medical things in her arms. "Can you help me out for a bit?" She asked with a struggle.

Amanda immediately walked over to her and took half of the load.

"Sorry! I'll send another volunteer to help you out!" She said a bit embarrassed about leaving so quickly.

"It's okay, thank you for your help." You said while waving goodbye. You watched as she left and started eating your Jell-O. You looked out your window to see cars passing by and the sun was still high up in the sky. 

What time is it? noon?

Suddenly you heard the door open again. "Y/n! Thank goodness you're okay!" Saeyoung said while rushing over to you and giving you a gentle hug. You were caught off guard and slowly hugged back.

"I'm so sorry for what happened, I was a complete idiot and it's all my fault!" He cried on your shoulder. You smiled sadly.

"It's okay Saeyoung, really-"

"No, it's not okay! This is the second time I've had to take you to the hospital! You can't be with me anymore! I'll only put you in more danger! I don't-" You shut him up by giving him a good slap in the fucking face.

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