Chapter 28: Just another day

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"Another day," She yawns, stretching her limbs before she heads to the bathroom.

Just like any other day, she goes outside for a jog. Her curly hair tied up in a tight ponytail, as she turned a corner around her neighborhood.

If Sunshine was a person, she would be the embodiment of it. The way her hair flowed and the energy in her steps as she heads right down to her usual cafe.

She slowed down to a walk once she got to the plaza and opened the door with a small ring, indicating her arrival.

"Good morning, Min!" She greeted happily as she entered the semi-empty Cafe due to the early hour.

"Good morning." She responded with a smile. "The usual?" The woman nodded sweetly. "Apple tart and tea coming right up." She took a seat near the window and watched the news as she waited patiently.

"On another note, today there has been an increase in the C&R company, we have intel that..." The news lady would say.

"Here you go." Min appeared and placed the woman's order on the table in front of her.

"Aw, everything seems so peaceful and quiet lately."

"What was that?" Min inquired, not understanding what she just said.

"Oh, nothing! I'm just thinking about having some fun soon with some friends." She smiled as she usually would.

"That sounds nice-"

"Miss! Can I please have some more coffee?" Another customer asked politely.

"Sorry, I gotta get back."

"Don't worry about it, Min. I'll just finish this up and be on my way, I have a busy day ahead of me." And she did just that, taking the last bite out of her tart, she stood up and straightened her outfit. With a small wave to her friend she said goodbye and was back on her merry way to her apartment.

It was simple, to say the least. Normal decoration, the occasional picture taken by her 'fiancé' and the theme was yellow, her favorite color.

She sat on her small porch with her laptop on a small glass table and phone at hand.

"Hi! Yes, of course." She spoke on the phone. "Do you have the information?" She nodded in understanding as the person on the other end explained while she wrote down anything important. "Alright, I'll check it right now. Thank you!" And with that, she hung up and started looking through her personal emails and was satisfied when she found what she wanted.

With a small chuckle, she starts dialing a new number.

"Hello~~~?" She sang. "I am a woman of my word." She smiled. "Yes, but now I need a few favors from you." She started typing away at her computer as she spoke. She sends the information needed to the other person and gave him a detailed explanation of what she needed.

"Easy, right?" She could hear how the other person was getting a bit skeptical about how he was going to do everything he was asked of. "Don't worry, I'll send you some help. Please don't let me down! Bye-bye now!" She gleefully hung up her phone and set it on her table.

"Looks like everything is slowly falling into place."

"Good afternoon, sunshine!" She could hear her sweet nickname being called by her old neighbor that just so happened to step out on his porch to water his plants.

"Good afternoon, Mr.Wilson." She greeted with a wave.

"I see you're as cheerful as ever." He added.

"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." She quoted with a small laugh. "I'd better get going, every moment of the day counts!" She closed her laptop, not before waving goodbye to the old man. She organized and gathered the things she would need for the day and went to her car.

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