Chapter 11: Decisions decisions...

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"What the hell do I want? Why don't we start with, what the hell are you doing as a company assistant?!" He glared at you as he spat every word. "I thought that the whole reason you ran away was that you never even wanted to even set foot in an office building or to work with a big company!" He fumed.

"For you information Luka, I'm doing this for a friend as a part-time job and this is only until I finish my studies." You glared at him hoping he would spontaneously combust.

"Well that's just great Y/n, while you're here have a gay old time here and just living life to it's fullest, dad passed away!" He shouted while slamming his hand on the table.

You froze in place and watched him carefully with wide eyes.

"What did you say?" You breathed.

"Dad recently got a heart attack from overworking." Luka finally lowered his tone and looked towards the table, probably wondering if his mom was still okay.

"Did you come all this way to tell me this? No, a better question is how did you find me?" You waited for him to respond. He simply looked at the ground, not knowing what to say.

"Well?!" You yelled at him.

"There's too much to explain and I don't have that much time." Luka combed his hair back with his hand in frustration. "I'm heading back to our hometown tomorrow morning so I can tell mom about my recent activities with the company, just come with me so I can explain." He practically begged you.

You looked at him as if he were crazy.

"Me? Go back? Ha! That's a good one Luka but I'm not going back to that hell hole you call 'home'." You said while making the air quotes with your hands in a mocking fashion.

"You're so damn stubborn that you wouldn't even say goodbye to our dead father?!" Luka yelled, outraged. You balled your hands in fists feeling your knuckles go white.

"Fine!" You said while slamming your fist on the table. "I'm only going to visit for 1 hour. Nothing. More." You stated. Luka looked at you with a genuine smile.

"Thanks, Y/n-"

"Times up, let's go Y/n." Ordered Jumin when he opened the door.

"Right." You said, picking up your things.

"Wait!" Luka rushed over to you and held your arm. "Leave me your phone number so we can see when we can leave together." You sighed and quickly wrote down your number on a sticky note.

"There. Now goodbye." You said while turning on your heals and walking away with Jumin at your side.

"How did it go?"

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"No I don't."


You got home and tossed your things on your couch and went to your room to flop on your bed. Almost immediately, you received a message from Luka.


I'll be heading out at 10:00 am

You sighed at the thought of having to wake up early.



See you there

You locked your phone but all to soon, it started to ring.

"Yellow blue how are you!" Saeyoung said in his usual cheerful tone.

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