Chapter 25: Break

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You let out a long sigh as you got the papers from the printer. Saeran didn't wake up before you went to work so you still don't know what's going on with him.

"Are you done contemplating on life or can I finally get a copy?" You knew that voice all too well.

"I'll be out in a minute Sarah." you quickly gathered all your papers and walked away from the rude lady.

"She acting up again?" Liam said all of a sudden walking down the hall with you.

"Yeah, just as always." You playfully rolled your eyes.

"So how's the event planning going?" He asked.

"Event?" You two came to a stop at Jaehee's desk.

"Y/n! Just the person I wanted to see." Jaehee got up from her chair and you handed her the papers she needed.

"Mr.Han just informed me that we're holding an event so that the other companies can meet each other, as a 'meet and greet' so they can know who they're working with." She explained.

"And when is it going to be?"

"Two weeks..."


"I'll leave you two ladies to your work." Said Liam with a small wave of his hand and then he was out of sight.

"Just as always, doing things at the last minute." You mumbled as you rubbed your temples in stress.

"Sadly, yes. But we need to book everything as soon as possible and he said we need a host." She added.

"What?? That's even harder to get at such short notice." You were about to continue complaining when you got a good idea. "So we need someone to host the event?" You and Jaehee looked at each other with a smile creeping up on your faces knowing you two were thinking that same thing.

"Zen." Both of you said at the same time.

"I'll get organizing."

"And I'll give him a call." You took out your phone and walked towards the common room.

"Great timing, my lady! I'm just going out for a break." He answered cheerfully. You chuckled before answering.

"I guess, I've just got good luck."

"And may I know why such a wonderful lady is calling me?"

"I'm glad you asked! You see we're having a kinda big event this Saturday and we need someone as the host and..."

"You were looking for the best of the best?"

"Yeah, Mr.chairman wanted someone who acted responsible for the event and who better than the great Zen?" You said with a chuckle.

"Are you trying to flirt with me to convince me to work with you? Because it's working." He laughed before adding that he would gladly help.

"Great! Then in 10 minutes I'll send you-"

"Y/n!" You heard Jumin shout all of a sudden startling you. You turned around and noticed that everyone else in the common room was staring at the man in the suit that was rushing towards you as fast as he could in the wheelchair.

"Ye-Yes?" You stuttered.

"What do you think you're doing! Right now is not the time to be chatting on the phone, do you know how many things need to be done?!" He shouted making you take a step back in shock from his outburst.

"I was just-"

"Just what! Wasting time?!"

Did he just reach his limit?

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