Chapter 9: Surprise?

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"Y/n." You stirred in your bed when you faintly heard your name being called.

"Y/N." You heard it louder and quickly sat up and got your handgun ready out of reflex. You squinted and blinked a few times at the sudden bright light.

"Huh?" Was all you managed to say since you were just waking up.

"Wha-Y/N! I thought I told you not to have that in your nightstand! Jeez, Just wake up already." You then recognized the voice and immediately opened your eyes.

"Nathan? You're back early?" You were still confused about the situation."What's going on?" You asked.

"I could be asking you the same thing." He said in a somewhat angry tone. You tilted your head in confusion and then noticed that Saeyoung was laying next to you. You hit his stomach causing him to instantly sit up.

"Gah! What was that for?!" He said while looking at you as if you were crazy. You didn't say anything as you turned to look back at Nathan. Saeyoung followed your gaze and went wide-eyed.

"Y/n, can I talk to you outside?" He asked in a strict tone. You nodded once and got up and left the room right behind him, closing the door on your way out, leaving Saeyoung in your room.

"What the hell is he doing in our apartment? And more importantly, what was he doing in your bed?!" He raised his voice, not caring that Saeyoung could probably hear you two.

"We didn't do anything!"

"That's not the point!" Nathan sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You're not supposed to just bring a guy to our apartment and let him sleep in your bed." You were at a loss for words. "Well?"

"We just...Look, yesterday I went out with the RFA group to Karaoke and when we were leaving the place I..."

"You what?"

"I saw my brother Luka..." Nathan's eyebrows raised in amazement.

"What? Here? What the hell is he doing here?" He asked surprised by the new information.

"I don't know. But I managed to not talk to him."

"You mean you ran away?? Why didn't you talk to him?"

"I just couldn't. And then when he left, Saeyoung offered to take me home, and he did. I was really tired and fell asleep on the couch. He probably just took me to my bed and crashed there. Nothing bad happened Nathan and-"

"Y/n." He interrupted you. "That's not the point. Look I'm getting tired of you blindly trusting them only because you knew them for what? 4? 5 months?? He could have raped you in your sleep for all you know!"

"He wouldn't do that!!" You argued.

"How do you know he wouldn't?!"

"Because I-!"

"Because you what?!" You paused for a moment and realized what he was doing.

"...Because, I trust him..." You looked away, not knowing what to do.

"I thought so..." Nathan gave out another sigh. "This was what I was worried about since the beginning. I know you Y/n. You trust and forgive people too easily. Need I remind you, they're the ones who got you involved in that whole 'V' incident. You even got drugged, kidnapped and SHOT. And yet you still want to be friends with them?!"

"It wasn't their fault-"

"Stop defending them when you know what I'm saying is right!" He yelled at you. "So you're going to trust that Narcissist guy Zen, Idiot kid Yoosung and let's not forget the guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth-!"

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