Chapter 2: Try Again

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"You're kidding," Nathan said with a sigh.

"I wish I was..." You said as you flopped yourself on the couch.

"So what are you going to do?" Nathan asked taking a seat on the other side.

"There's nothing I can really do. I have to finish my studies there and find a job soon, I don't have time to worry about them." You sighed and sat up straight and stretched your arms in the air, hearing a slight pop to your satisfaction.

"Don't worry about the job, just take your time, and as long as you don't pay attention to them, I don't think they can do any real harm." He flashed you a smile but you looked at him with an awkward one.

"What's wrong?" He asked while squinting his eyes in suspicion. "Better said, what did you do?"

"Well....I might have accepted Zen's invitation to his next concert to talk afterward..." Nathan let out a long sigh.

"Don't tell me you're going to forgive them for what they did?" He asked you seeming somewhat ticked off. You looked away and shrugged your shoulders.

"I dunno. Maybe?"


"Just hear me out. What happened before was only because they wanted to be relieved of the contract. And from what I remember about the last conversation they had; Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee, and Jumin weren't completely on board with what Seven was planning."

"What do you mean?" He asked lifting an eyebrow.

"That they were following orders because they had no other choice. Seven was the leader, so he's the one to blame, not the others." Nathan sighed once again.

"Damn Y/n, why do you have to be so considerate?" He chuckled and pulled you into a side hug, making you lean your head on his shoulder. "Just be careful. I almost lost you once, I don't want that happening again." He kissed the crown of your head.

"Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake twice." You smiled at him. "Well, I'd better get something to eat before going to bed, care to join me?" You stood up and held your hand out for his.

"Of course!"


"Good morning class." Said your teacher while entering the classroom. Thankfully you got to class early and choose a seat in the back next to the window since you wanted to be like the main character of an anime. But as the last of the students started pouring into the classroom, you noticed Yoosung coming in too.

So he's in this class too?

Yoosung noticed you and took the chance to take a seat next to you.

"Hey." Was all he said to you as he sat down. You looked at him and with a short wave you replied with a small

"Hi." Yoosung smiled at the fact that you at least greeted him.

"Alright class, my name is Ms.Klapthor." As always, the teacher did an introduction to the class and then gave us "Homework for the next class will be done in pairs." 

Yoosung instantly looked to you and you looked back at him with a smile and a small nod. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree making you chuckle slightly.

He still kinda acts like a kid.

Time passed and the class went on without you or Yoosung saying another word to each other, but it was fine.

"I'll post on the online blackboard the specifications of the homework. You may be dismissed." The teacher packed her things and left. Meanwhile, you were still putting your notebooks in your bag.

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