Chapter Nineteen -- She's With Who?

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Chapter Nineteen

Dimitri Vincent

It's been a while since I've seen Daisy, I know that she went to confront Kate about her being executed tomorrow. Other then that I haven't seen her, shortly after she left the prisoners area I saw her going to the woods. I figure that she decided to go for a run... it's been about four hours later. Wouldn't she be back by now?

I look around trying to find where Sam went, maybe he saw her. Just because they weren't on speaking terms that didn't mean anything. If he's seen her he can tell me where she is. I look around for him figuring he'd be in the other pack house we let him borrow for their pack members. The place seem busy, people were moving around rapidly, some holding ribbons others gifts. I look around seeing one of the members I've seen Daisy hang out with before and I approach him. He looks at me in disgust before growling at me. Of course being the Alpha in the situation it didn't last long. No one ever disrespects an Alpha... besides maybe their mate.

"Hey whats your name. Where's Alpha Sam? I need to know if he has seen Daisy at all? I saw her about four hours ago and I haven't since. Even if she was ignoring me I still would've seen her at least once," I tell him worriedly.

"I'll go get him. Wait here," he says looking back at me once, "My name is Chris by the way too."

I nod my head making sure to keep that in my head as he dissapears. I suddenly wonder if he's even going to get Sam. I wonder if Daisy's friends were mad at her for sleeping with me. I didn't think so, I'm sure they were upset but I don't think I ruined their friendships. At least I hope I didn't they were there for her when I couldn't be. For a sudden I almost felt jealous that they got to spend all that time hanging out with Daisy. I also remember I'm the one that caused all that pain. My mind went back to the first time we met and I discovered she was my mate. Of course just turning twelve it's the expected time to find a mate.

I woke up and it felt like any other day, just I'm a day older. I woke up, my door securely locked I went and got a small wooden box out from under my bed. I didn't need to look around to make sure no ones around. This is my special box full of memories. I take the pictures out looking at each one carefully. All of them were of a small boy with muddy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes with a beautiful blonde hair and blue eye girl. They were memories of Daisy and I together.

I didn't know why I ever left her. It's too late now though, she hates me and my reputation would be on the line if I even thought of hanging out with her. I couldn't go back to her even if I tried. Kate is always hanging around me. I hope she isn't my mate, I think I'd die if she were ever my mate. She's selfish, cruel, and I see the way she treats Daisy. Sure I would have to let snide comments out about her but I would never want to hurt her. I didn't like to see her go through the pain I see her endure everyday. I would always see her crying as soon as school is let out. Being a year older then her she didn't have her wolf yet.

Sighing I put the box away locking it up with a small key. No one knew of this box besides my mother. She's the only person I would ever let know that I still care for Daisy and that I'm sorry.  She knew I was and she comforted telling me to go make up with Daisy. I couldn't do that though. Daisy would never let it go. She wouldn't forgive me. To much damage has been done.

I sigh and I go downstairs where everyone is waiting to sing happy birthday to me. I give everyone fake smiles and I see Kate automatically draping herself all over me, staring at me with what she thinks is an attractive look. In reality I just look away trying to avoid her face.

"Do you feel any sparks or anything between us Dimitri. I feel like if I were of age I would be able to feel them. I mean we do share so much in common and I already know I love you more then anything in the world," Kate says draping herself across my body. I could see my mom looking at me with a disapproving look. I tend to ignore it.

"There's nothing Kate. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go look around and see if my mate's around. I mean I want to find her before I go through my first change tonight. You know it'll be a full moon for me when it's happening? Kind of ironic," I say faking a laugh next to her.

"Oh okay... I see how it is," she says, I try to ignore the jealous look on her face. I knew she wanted me. It didn't mean I am stupid enough to tell her I love her when in reality I don't.

"I'm going to go for a walk Kate. I'll see you all in a little bit. No one is going to even sing happy birthday until my breakfast is made. That's what happens every year anyways," I tell her and she nods her slumping on to the couch chair.

I couldn't get out of there faster at the moment. I needed some breathing space. I walk through the woods, there were plenty of other wolves running through them. I couldn't help but smile. Soon enough I would be one of those people. I'm content with walking around for now. I didn't seem to be the only one walking in the woods. I notice Daisy from a distance away. She looks absolutely beautiful, I couldn't help but follow her some. She held a small rectangular box in her hand. The present is wrapped and it looks almost professional, everything is crisp and clean.

She went to a small lake. The water looks murky some but she didn't seem to mind. Finding a rock large enough nearby she sits down on it and sets the box down. She looks at herself in the water, it's only for a moment before she picks up a few rocks and throws them in. I walk closer stumbling over a small rock on to the ground. Daisy's eyes snap to my brown ones.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. She may of not felt it but I did, the connection that the two of us share. I felt the heated look, I think she may of felt a little bit of something but she looks away before. I knew she's my mate though. I could feel it.

"I saw you... so I couldn't help but follow you. C-can you come here for a moment though? I want to do something really quick..." I ask her awkwardly. She watches me carefully but gets up anyways looking at me. I pull her close to me as she nears unsmiling. I kiss up her arm, she didn't seem to pay close attention. I could feel the insane attraction, those sparks everyone always talks about that ignite in between. She shifts pulling her hand away from me after processing what just went through her mind.

"What the hell are you doing? Is this some kind of joke Dimitri because if it is I don't want to be apart of it!" she says furiously and I shake my head nodding no. She didn't seem to be so convinced though. In fact her whole demeanor changed towards me. "You're seriously trying to fuck with me? Don't you all do enough? Happy fucking birthday to you Dimitri," she says storming off away from me. I didn't understand completely why she's furious but I understood some. She thought I was just screwing with her mind.

"Wait... Daisy!" I call out to her but she's already gone before I could even catch up to her.

She left the present on the rock, she must've forgotten to give it to me. At least I'm pretty sure it's for me. I walk over carefully and bend over to pick up the present. I open it carefully treating it as a delicate thing. I open it up to see a small brown wooden box. Opening it up there were a bunch of pictures of the two of us together. On the top of the box it had black marker in it in cursive: I don't want this anymore. You keep them. They were pictures of the two of us.

"What do you want?" Sam asks in a rude tone. He had bags under his light blue eyes. The only emotion I could see is sorrow. He looks like crap, it probably had something to do with Daisy. I almost felt bad... the key word being almost.

"I was wondering if you've seen Daisy. She went for a run about four hours ago and I haven't seen her since. No one else has seem to saw her either. Have you? I mean I feel like she would've spoken to you even though your predicament," I ask him awkwardly.

"No I haven't seen her since we all put a vote in for Kate. We're not together anymore so she's not really my problem. Let me know if you find her," he tells me spinning back on his heel heading back from the direction he came from.

I sigh and I walk out of the pack house. Obviously Sam's not to worried for Daisy since ultimately he's still pissed at her. I found one of the wolves on perimeters coming towards me in a rush, he change to his human form yelling at me.

"Alpha Dimitri! There's a vampire here! They wish to speak to you. It's important! It pertains to Daisy too!" he tells me and I look at him.

"Well what are you doing let's go now!" I tell him and he nods shifting into his wolf form. I follow running in my human form after him. I couldn't believe this. The vampires have Daisy. No, no, no.

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