Chapter Twenty Seven- Mistakes

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Dimitri Vincent

Every minute that passed by my hopes of finding my mate began to fall. Maybe she isn't in any of these packs that came to stay the night. As far as I could see I had girls I danced with already ask me to dance again, just so I can "recheck" to see if they're my mate. Of course there isn't a spark or anything that makes me even think remotely any of them are my mate. I went along with it letting them dance, grind, and put themselves all over me. I've danced with every single girl I have seen already and none of them were the one.

After a while longer the mass crowd began to disperse as the temperature inside the house is imbearable. Sweat streaking down everyones face from the heat, most of the girls make up ran down their face. At the sight of this a group of girls screamed and ran upstairs to the bathroom to fix their face— I mean make up.

With the general population of the party moving outside it's only logical that everyone else, the drinks, food, and music move outside as well. With the cool breeze from the summer night it left everyone at a comfortable temperature. Everyone is still pretty far from drunk or even tipsy. It became everyone's priority to try to get buzzed or sloshed. I didn't mind considering that's what I've been trying to do to myself. Picking up beer after another beer, after a few more hours of countinuous drinking I manage to get my self completley drunk. I began walking around and almost tripping over myself.

People were making out and grinding, some discretley went into the forest to go for a nice fuck. I didn't complain, I stood there and watch the people in front of my making out. I smile and screamed like an idiot.

"Wohoo! Free porn and it's live. That's the best man," I slur, the two giving me a look like I'm crazy before they walk away. I let out a disgruntled sigh. "Your tits didn't look that impressive anyway!"

"Dude I think we need to get you some water. Those people over there weren't performing live entertainment as much as you probably wish they were. Anyways you stay here and we're going to go get you some water to drink," one of my guy friends said. I couldn't remember his name. Is it Dylan? Derek?

"I'm not drunk! If I were drunk then I couldn't do this!" I tell them as I follow the straight line of the stone walkway. Looking at them they stifled a laugh.

"No you definitly need that water. I'll be right back you make sure to stay here dude. Don't move from this spot! Now repeat what did I just tell you?" he asks me and I roll my eyes repeating in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't move from this spot!"

As soon as I repeated his words correctly he pats me on the shoulder and walks away into the house searching for a water. As soon as I couldn't see him anymore I move from my spot and go walking around. I haven't drank this much before to actually become drunk. Something tells me that this would hurt like a bitch later when I woke up, the pain would be intensified as well. The massive crowd all dance around, I join in probably not looking the best. Everyone at least seems to have an idea of what they're doing well I did not. The only thing I did know is that I'm having a fantastic birthday and I want to keep it that way. All of the sudden in the middle of a song the stereo system turns off. I look up wondering what happen when I see pretty lights in the distance. Everyone clears a path leaving me a walk way and someone holds the cake. Everyone begins singing, sounding pretty awful.

"Happy birthday to Dimitri! Happy birthday to Dimitri! Happy birthday to you!" they sing a few times before the people actually quiet down. I'm left with candles to blow out and my one wish as a birthday boy. Blowing out the candles I think of the only thing I want. I wish I could find my soul mate tonight, I think to myself as I blow out the candles. My friends then go to cut the cake offering it to anyone else who want any.

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