Chapter Ten-- A New Friend

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   Chapter Ten

        Daisy Timber

        The alarms went off during the night time causing everyone to panic and awake. My eyes snap open and I hurry getting out of bed along with Sam. I could hear some howls in the distant. Some were ones of pain well others were mourning ones. I shift into my wolf form smelling the blood from where I am. A few others were with me and I used the mind link to talk to my pack members.

'We only kill if necessarily if we can capture them then let's do it. There should be some vervain darts all scattered around near the shacks that are built. Try aiming for them with those so we can question them. Let's hurry I'm pretty sure one is already dead.'

        "The wolves in the pack that were changed into their wolves were darting into the woods following the scent well ones in their human forms have darts out keeping a look out for anything suspicious. Some of the older elder's were escorting the young kids to the safe room in case anything went wrong at all. Sam gives a look over to me in his wolf form and I nod my head running forward. I could smell the blood everywhere when I got closer. There were no traces of the vampires yet at the same time blood shed cold be seen everywhere at the post. Limbs of werewolves were everywhere and blood rained all of the ground. On the shed words were written in blood. I couldn't believe that they did this. I shift back into my wolf form with my hand over my mouth. The smell was horrible; I could practically taste the metal and saltiness on my tongue. 

        "W-we need to find out who's missing from both packs. I don't think humans would be here right now so they have to be werewolves. I'm going to wake both packs and go through role call. We need to find out how many bodies there are as well. There's so much blood mashed together I can't tell how may bodies there are," I tell Sam looking away from the gruesome sight in front of me. 

        "Go head and do that love I really don't think it would be good for you if you stay here. I don't want you to get sick and this isn't exactly a clean site. I'll have everyone start taking some pictures so we can go over them and then we will clean up some. The body parts or what's left of them we will put together then burn them to ashes. We need to find out who they are first so we can have some memorial from them," Sam tells me and I nod my head agreeing. 

        Shifting back into my wolf I run back to the pack house where people are awake. I yell at everyone to come outside from both packs and I run into the house to Sam's room looking for the list of all people in both packs that Sam told me about yesterday night when we were talking some. Finding the list to both of the packs I rush back outside where everyone is talking eagerly back and forth. 

        "Everyone I need you to quiet down, I need to call everyone's name out and I need you to answer. Unfortunately there has been an accident tonight and some of our own have been lost. We need to find out who they are," I say loudly getting people to quiet down. I start calling people out which takes a while. People looking around constantly to see if their family or mate was with them. 

        In the end there were six people; three males and three females, all of them were unmated with no children what so ever. Spencer, Mason, Carter, Sammy, Angelina, and Sarah. The funeral would be happening in a hour or so. A huge bonfire to burn the parts and have their ashes then putting them in a jar we would throw them into the ocean so they could all travel the world. Everyone who knew them would talk about how great and wonderful they are. Some people would cry others grieve and get angry in a violent way. Either way it wouldn't be good. Scanning through the list one last time I noticed a name missing off the list. I checked another two times before I confirmed that Kate's name is not on the list.

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