Chapter Fourteen-- What Goes Around Comes Around

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  Daisy Timber

“Ugh I say frusterated as we exit the tenth store that has nothing we need. I didn’t understand how it is so hard to find a few mere items. I sit down on the stone bench aggravated. “This is ridiculous.”

“Daisy, chill out some, I’m sure we can find it somewhere. It’s not like it’s impossible to find them, maybe we’re just not looking in the right place. We still haven’t looked at the local Nature hippie type store. It’s just a few miles from here,” Dimitri says trying to reason with me. Giving up, I shake my head getting up from the bench where a few people were waiting to sit.

“We might as well walk there. No point i letting more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,” I mutter under my breath.

“That’s fine we can talk instead. Do you think this will work? What we’re going to try attempting on Kate? He asks, doubtful that what we’re doing won’t work.  I couldn’t blame him because I didn’t know if we could fully do it. Kate’s smart, sometimes she’s to smart. She knows how to look out for herself though.

 If she suspected that anyone knew, I don’t know what she would do; kill us? Run? Harm the two packs? Dimitri and I can’t risk the sakes of the packs just to expose Kate. It could potentionally save their lives as well. We have to drug and test Kate silently. We will have to bring her to the cells where we keep the rogues. I’ll find a way to make a paste of a spray and put it on the cell she’s going to be put in. Is she a spy for the bad guys?  Whatever she is she’s a danger.

The sun shines leaving the weather to be warm. A few leaves still hung on to the trees, which would soon be gone. Each day that goes by shows signs of the fall ending and winter begining. The wind blew a cold chill, numbing the radiating  heat from the sun. Being a werewolf our body is naturally always warm, we could still get frostbite or be burned.

Another attack still hasn’t happened since yesterday morning incident. We didn’t know when to expect another attack. Children were playing in doors and not going to school at the moment. No one knows what to make of the sitiuation. The best we can do is prepare for the situations. It didn’t help not knowing the location of the either, maybe Kate knew.

Looking up from the concrete sdewalk I saw the approaching store we were checking out. I hope they have what we need. Dimitri is right this seems like the place where we would get what we need.

It’s a small place, not quite big with two display windows that have wood carvings of wolves or other types of animals. There were dream catchers, one of the things I notice is a huge brown shelf with glass bottles of different things. I notice Dimitri is checking out the place as well.

Opening the door the bell rand, no on eseem to be at the counter. Glancing around at anything I make my way to the glass bottles. Each one has a different name labeled. I saw crushed lavandar, grounded up dandelions. There were various size bottles, some small, medium, and large; various colors. It looks like the glass is stained with various colors. The prices were fair, four dollars for a 6oz bottle, a 12oz bottle for seven dollars, and a 20oz bottle for thirteen dollars.

“Dimitri, I found it. There’s wolfsbane and vervain. It’s crushed up but it will still work. This is great!” I tell him, turning to face him.

“Sweet, do we need anything else well we’re here? It hurt to look around more,” Dimitri says answering himself.

I let him look stounf sd I dtand by the cash register. I definitly want to keep in mind if I ever need anything, I’ll come here. Bathure wise, there are crushed roses, nightshade, daisies, and all sorts of plants. Ona  table a few feet away is a table with essences that weren’t very good smelling, it made me want to gag.

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