Chapter Twenty Eight- Solutions

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Dimitri Vincent

"You want me to do what? I can't do that to you Daisy. That's the worst thing someone could even do to a werewolf in our world.I won't do that to you. That would cause massive heartbreak and I just can't do that to you even if you want me too I can't," I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me taking the drink out of my hand and throwing it into the woods. I turn back and frown at her.

"You can and you will Dimitri. I can't do that to you because then you'd be moping around, it's okay if it happens to me. No one cares or gives a damn about me I will live. I'm a lot tougher than I actually look and I wish you would give me that chance to prove it. I've made my decision and it's final," she tells me in an adamant tone which I really am starting to hate how firm she is with all of the decisions she's making. 

"Daisy you're asking me to reject you? Do you know how horrible that will make me look if anyone were to ever find out about what went on with us? How bad I would look not taking you for a mate because of my popularity? Do you realize how bad of a person I would sound like?" I ask her and she stares at me blankly again.

"Are you shitting me Dimitri? You are a bad person. A normal werewolf would've given up everything for his mate, including his popularity and protect her no matter what. I'm not going to tell anyone except my parents and they won't tell anyone. All of this will end up on your terms. As long as you don't blab or I don't blab then we will be fine. Now please do it. You're making this situation a lot worse than it actually it," she tells me with an annoyed sigh, she rubs her temples with her hand.

For another few moments we fall into silence. The next time I open my mouth I'm going to do what it is Daisy asked me. There's no doubt about it, if this is what she really wants she won't give up until I do what it is she wishes. I might as well give in. There's nothing to fight for, Daisy is right this would benefit the both of us. I can't believe she would actually want me to do this though.

I look at Daisy, her long blonde hair, her blue eyes that seem to be drowned in sorrow at the moment. The moment I saw her eyes drowning in sadness I didn't know if I could go through with it. I knew I had to, I had to do it for the both of us. This way we both will move on, I'll just be one of the Alpha's that hasn't found their mate and I just have to fall in love with someone. Sighing I decide to hurry up with it before I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore.

Still a brief hesitation thought flew through my mind. I decide to stay quiet a few moments longer just in case Daisy had some last minute decision to not follow through. She didn't.

"I Dimitri Vincent, Soon to be Alpha of the Darkmoon pack reject Daisy Timber as my mate. Therefore she will not be allowed to be my Luna unless we both come to an agreement in the future that we want to truly become mates again. Until then we live in heartache being separated from our other half," I say the first part out loud. Looking at Daisy I finish the rest, we both remain eye contact the whole time. "Daisy Timber do you accept your rejection?"

"Dimitri Vincent I accept my rejection as it is what is best for the both. If either of us decide to regret our decision we have the right to inform the other of our mistake. Only if both participants are willing may they be allowed to reunite if they decide to accept their fate in the future."

"With both mates accepting the fact that one is being rejected, it is official. From now on you as you both live in acceptance the other mate that has been rejected is more than welcome to move on as well as the rejectee who rejected their mate," I say the final sentence that makes it official. Neither of us could go back on our word now. Not without the two of us accepting what it is that we have done.

My Mate's A Jerk(Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora