Chapter Twenty Six- Past

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Chapter Twenty Six

Dimitri Vincent

Later that night I still couldn't confirm when I kissed up Daisy's arm whether or not we were mates. I couldn't help but be confused, out of all people how could have I got Daisy for a mate? Well, I still don't even know if she is my mate. I could confirm the sparks after my transformation. How I touched and felt the start I felt like any other person with all the chemical changes in my body. My senses haven't heighten yet so I still don't know. I'm almost like a normal hormonal teenage girl about to get her period.Emotions are all a tangled mess and I just couldn't figure them out.

After my first change we would also a grand party for my birthday, my transformation could happen at any moment. I could also figure out my feelings towards Daisy. When we were younger I always thought she was beautiful, she looks even prettier now then she did before. Perfect long blonde hair that went well past her shoulders that always seem to stay frizzy, her bright baby blue eyes that always made my heart skip a beat when she look at me. The only looks she gave me were always filled with disgust and hatred. Sometimes I'd still look to see if she would give me that same loving look that she once use to give me.

Wanting to get out of my jeans and my t-shirt which stuck to my skin with all the sweat from the summer's gaze I walk away. Going through the heightened changes it also meant that my body temperature fluctuates from hot to cold. At this moment it went up high causing me to be drenched in sweat. Taking my shirt off I hold on to it as walk to the pack house, the AC ran high as it could through the whole house making it feel like a winter wonderland. In the state I'm in it felt nice as I ran upstairs to change in completely new clothing and underwear.

The only thing I hope is that later I would see Daisy at my birthday party. All of the parents and adults would leave the pack house alone for the night. Teenagers would have a massive party to celebrate my birthday and then in hopes of finding my mate and that we would continue the ritual. Most teenagers took the advantage of using it to listen to loud music, drink, do drugs, and have sex wherever they pretty much wish. Something most of the parents disapprove of but there's nothing they could do to stop us.

Parties as described would be annual until the soon to be Alpha would find their mate. Each year packs from all around would be invited in hoping that one of them will be the Alpha's mate. After when the wolf turns eighteen they can only be without a mate for four years. If they can't find their true soul mate then they have to suffice by marrying another wolf whom they get a chance to fall in love with. Being fourteen I still have four years of the annual partying and another four to need to find or fall in love with someone.

After I go through my change tonight I would dress up to look more suitable for everyone. When I go through the change it wouls be only me and me alone in the woods. I would be alone to scream. I've heard that the first change is painful going through. Eventually it would get better until there would be no pain whatsoever. Many of the older wolves tell everyone to go with the change, not to fight against it. Fighting against it could cause death or terrible hours going through the change.

Not even a few hours later as twilight began I could feel the pain. Letting out a loud grunt from the couch where I've been watching TV and eating potato chips all day I hurry out of the house screaming in pain. Hurrying towards a well known path in the woods I go deeper into the woods screaming in pain. There's nothing I could do but let myself go through the pain of the first transformation. During the transformation I could feel my senses heighten, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and feel things differently.

It could've been a few hours, it certainly felt forever with the excrutiating pain. Eventually I shift into my first transformation. Everything felt better and relaxing. The immense pain turns into a dull ache. I look down at myself, my paws were a solid black. Walking around it felt odd at first, balancing on all four paws. Eventually I stumble a few times as I walk around getting use to my wolf. Even a while later I heard a voice begin to actually speak to me.

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