Chapter Twelve -- Doubts

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Daisy Timber

“Kate, she’s still alive. I talked to my mom and she told me Kate’s still alive. She’s not one of us though she’s a vampire. We have to kill her she’s trying to hurt me,” I tell everyone for the twelth time in the row and it seem to go in one ear and out the other. “Why aren’t you listening to me. You believe me don’t you Sam?”

Sam looks away from me hesitantly and holds my hand instead. I felt betrayed by the fact that none of my friends seem to believe me. I’m trying to save the pack and none of them believe me. They think I’m just trying to cope my loss of Kate by making an excuse that she’s still alive. Why would I want her alive is the question? The minute I was born she already declared her hatred towards me though I was a mere baby. She’s tried to kill me twice and none of them believe me. Some things never change I guess. Everyone’s always defending Kate even if they don’t know it.

“Daisy, you got in an accident and what you had as a dream it’s just a dream. Kate is many things but she would never turn into one of those creatures,” Dimitri says trying to reason; I shake my head laughing at him in pity as I point towards the door.

“Dimitri, I’m her sister. I know what she’s capable of and you don’t. She is the one that hired another wolf to kill me. She has tried and fail. She would do anything to kill me, that I do know. I would like for the two of you to leave now. I’m going to get some rest,” I tell them with a small smile, trying to mask the hurt that the two of them didn’t believe Kate could do this to me.

“Daisy, come on you’re not going to make this into a big thing are you? You’re just going through denial by the fact your sister, the only person in your family alive, is dead. It’s okay if you feel horrible that she’s dea—“

“Don’t you dare finish that Dimitri. You and I both know I am not sad of my sister’s passing. Nor will I ever be sad for her passing. She has done nothing but make my life horrible and the cause of my runaway. Now I don’t want to have security escort you out of here, so get the hell out of my room,” I tell Dimitri, Sam didn’t say a word. Instead he gives me one last look and then exits the room quietly.

“I’ll be back later to come check on you then. Make sure to keep safe until then Daisy. I’ll go get a nurse to come check on your injuries to see if you will be well enough to come back to the pack house,” he tells me and I shake my head.

“Don’t bother Dimitri, I think I’m going to stay at a motel for the night without any of the packs. I think it’s time I could use a break from everyone and everything anyways. I’d like to enjoy the beauty of my hometown knowing that it won’t be ruined by you near me,” I tell him rudely causing him to look away.

“Well, you need wolves to watch you then. You and I know it isn’t safe for you to me on your own with no one else around. A human won’t save you from getting attacked by a vampire. If anything they’ll kill the human and then go after you.”

“I don’t exactly care what’s good for me at the moment. Now please go. You and Sam have ruined  my day. I’d like some peace and quiet now.”

“As you wish,” Dimitri says walking out of the room aggravated.

As soon as the door closes I take the needle and wires off of my body, attempting to stand up, holding on to the bed for support. The pain didn’t seem to be that bad, more of a dull ache surrounding my whole body. Looking around I try to see if there’s anything else for me to wear besides the hospital gown. Looking through the whole room it resulted in failure as I found nothing else to change into. Opening the room door not many nurses were in the hallways, most were chatting with colleagues. Things seem to be going slow and no one is rapidly moving in the urge to help another person.

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