Chapter Nine-- Date

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Chapter Nine

                Daisy Timber

                       "Wait do you mean I am actually babysitting this date that's going on? I don't want to babysit my mate going on a date with her idiotic boyfriend. Just because our packd is buddying up together and their helping us for some training doesn't mean I need to be friends with the Alpha. I especially don't want to see Daisy on a stupid date," Dimitri growls but I just ignore him and Chris smiles patting his shoulder whispering something in his ear that I couldn't hear.

        "Daisy I know this is unsuspected but I really needed this date tonight because I have something I really need to ask you and I don't have the courage to ask you right this second. I want us to have fun tonight. I'm going to hurry and light soem candles so we can have some light. I'll be right back," Sam gives me a quick kiss going to light the candles.

        Sure all of us have wolf vision but if any humans were to come around they would give us the oddest looks and we don't need to draw more attention to ourselves. I smile watching Sam as he lights up the candles well also sparing a glance at Dimitri for one second since I could feel his gaze burning into my side. He held the saddest look in his eyes as he looks at me. I turn away ignoring it. I shouldn't have that small part of me guilty. It's his fault for everything that he has done to me as well as my sisters. He could've helped me and stopped all the pain but he didn't. 

        Chris and Dimitri take chairs out of the trunk and sit a few feet away from us keeping a look out just in case any vampires decided to give us a surprise visit. I have never seen one up close and the thought of seeing one up close scared me some. Sure a btie of a werewolf could kill a vampire but it doesn't mean that a vampire couldn't kill us well it has that small amount of time. 

        Sam comes back over towards me holding my hand bringing me to the water. I go under the cold water quickly so I could get use to it. Sam decided to take baby steps into the water taking a lot longer to get use to it. He shivered some but still had a huge smile on his face. I take the water in the lake throwing it at him which haves him give me a playful growl. I didn't mind him growling considering I thought that it happened to be really hot. I smile pulling him closer kissing his cheek. He smiles kissing me on the lips back for a minute or two before pulling away.

        I want this to be one of the best dates you've ever had. To make that through the date I am not going to be able to kiss you or else we're going to have an audience watch me do more then just kissing you," he whispers into my ear sending a small wave of pleasure down my back to my core. I growl trying to kiss him again but he just laughs swimming under water a little farther out. I hurry going to catch up with him.

        I eventually have to go up for air. I look around trying to get my eyes adjusted from being underwater. I finally see Sam hasn't gone as far as I did and I turn glaring at him. I hurry plunging into the water swimming towards him. Before he can get under water I pull on his leg swimming up next to him. I smile nuzzling my nose against his neck whispering in his ear, "I caught you."

        "That's not fair you're getting to fast swimming in the water. Maybe I shouldn't have had you trying out for the swim team then I would've won," he tells me splashing the water at me to distract me so he could swim under water. I look around for him confused where he went until he pops out of the water beneath me. I laugh loudly smiling. I'm sitting on his shoulders as he holds me up.

        "I have to say Sam this is an amazing date I haven't been near the beach in ages. I've missed the warm sun shining on my body, being able to swim to clear my head, and now that we're back once this whole thing is over I'll make sure I get one time to be here alone," I tell him smiling and plops me into the water and I glare at him playfully as I come out from under the water.

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