Chapter Twenty One-- No Reasoning With

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Chapter Twenty-One

Daisy Timber

"Of court my sister screw you over too. I don't think there's anyone she hasn't fucked over. Out of all people how come she needed to be my sister. If you want my sister then why the hell am I here? I'm sure she has told you that she hates me, it's not like she would come here in risk her life for it," I tell Annabelle rolling my eyes at her stupidity. Is she really this stupid?

In anyone's eyes, a humans, Annabelle would look merely like a sixteen or seventeen year old who made models look like an amateur. She is the epitome of beauty, not even Aphrodite could be a close first standing next to her. Straight blonde hair highlighted with brown streaks blowing all on to one side of her, had a strand of hair pulled back into a braid being supported by a hair clip. Her aqua blue eyes while they look cold and lifeless could easily remind someone of the ocean. Her pale complexion matching nicely with her peach pink lips. She wore a strapless black dress that the further down and when the more transparent it is. Along slice up the sides of the dress showing her legs you could also notice that she wore black stilettos. Overall she looks absolutely stunningly gorgeous.

"What do you hope to accomplish? She's going to be executed, why can't you let us be?" I asked snapping her attention out of her delusional day dream. She seemed to give me a link that says, you need to shut the hell up before I do something you'll regret.

"The punishment you're going to give her won't suffice for what she tried to do to my father. For that I must punish her on my term, 4 years. It will be brutal and exactly what she deserves. Feel bad for me to kill her and just when she thinks I am I won't," she says cruelly, smiling as she almost home loosening the scene in front of me. "Anyways I've sent one of my men to go visit your home. He should be here shortly in a little bit. Now would you like something to eat? You must be famished."

She doesn't let me respond to anything before walking out of the room. My guess to find me something to eat. How is she going to have anything to eat? It's not like she eats human food. I'm surprised she even has solid human food to eat. At least that's what all the movies and books I've learned from said. Really I didn't know much about them at all besides what I've been told.

A few minutes later she arrives back with some solid food and a drink that looks like crimson blood... And it scared the shit out of me making me jump up from my small scratchy futon. Is she changing me into one of them? What sort of game is she playing?

My mind went into overdrive. There were only three reasons why a vampire would change someone. One, the obvious reason that they're in love. who, you're dying. 3, you are a disposable as soon as they're done using you. Then there's a spinoff of number three hidden rule. It's used as a way of torture. The most cruel way anyone could go through.

"Convientely the only drink you have is red and it looks like blood?" I ask her in a serious tone picking up the cup suspiciously as she gives me an innocent smile. Using my heightened wolf senses I sniffed the cup, no blood seem to be in it at all.

"What? You don't trust me? I certainly don't get it," She asks me, as if she doesn't know the answer.

"Yeah because I'm really going to trust the psychopathic killer. Right? I mean so far you haven't lied to me at all now, so I guess that means I can trust you for everything?" I ask her in a sarcastic tone.

Her eyes narrow at me, but other than that she doesn't respond to my smart ass reply. I guess I really shouldn't complain, she could have gave me no food and deny me a drink. Instead I have a drink and perfectly good food in front of me. Deciding to drink the drink without hesitation I put it to my lips and take a sip. The drink overwhelms my mouth with its high sweetness intake. I could barely stand the taste of it. Setting the drink down I decided to just go ahead and get my food, occasionally taking another sip of the drink. Each time getting a little more used to the taste.

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