The Hunt (Jack Atlas x Female Reader)

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// a special story for Easter, hope you enjoy...

It was Easter weekend and the orphanage was hosting an event for all of the kids. An Easter egg hunt was to happen in the mourning. A girl yawned as she exited her room and made her way outside where the younger children lined up, preparing themselves for the hunt. The girl herself was already in her teens and was uninterested in the activity so she simply stood behind the children and watched.

"Alright children, I have a special guest joining us today" Martha, the owner of the orphanage spoke. This caught the girl's attention as she looked forward.

"Jack Atlas will helping host the hunt" she spoke as a blonde haired boy stepped outside.

"I hid most of the eggs in the forest and around the orphanage, so you good luck finding them all" Jack spoke loudly as he looked at the group of children. He noticed another person standing further away from the kids. He looked at her and smirked before speaking once more. This made her start to blush.

"On your marks, get get set, go!" Jack shouted as the young ones raced off. The girl however, did not join them.

"So what's you name?" the boy asked while walking towards her.

"My name is Y/n" she replied softly.

"Is this activity too boring for you?" he asked once more. Y/n nodded and let out a sigh. Jack looked at the girl and was surprised by her striking features.

"Is there anything I can do to make thinks more interesting?" Jack inquired.

"I don't know" Y/n responded while looking up at Jack. The boy then thought of an idea.

"How about I show you a spot behind around here where I used to hang out with Yusei and Crow when we were kids. Also don't worry,. I didn't hide any eggs near there" Jack spoke again.

"Sure, I've got nothing better to do" Y/n replied. Jack then gestured for her to follow him into the forest in front of them. The blonde haired boy and the h/c girl passed some bushes and trees.

"So where exactly is this place?" Y/n inquired while following close behind.

"You'll see" Jack replied quietly. They then turned behind a cluster of pine trees and reached a small clearing. Two swings sit there, untouched by any other human.

"We used to play on those swings" Jack said to her. 

"Wow I didn't know about this at all" Y/n said while sitting down on one swing. Jack followed, sitting down on the other swing. 

"So how long have you been at the orphanage?" the pale boy asked.

"All my life, my parents had abandoned me" she replied sadly. Jack noticed this, not wanting to see her upset, he leaned in. Jack pressed his lips onto her's. This came to a shock, however Y/n kissed him back. The two then shortly pulled apart.

"Sorry if that was weird. I just didn't want to see a beautiful person such as yourself be sad" jack spoke softly while cupping her cheeks. Blushing, Y/n spoke back to him.

"It's alright, seeing you on TV, I kind of developed a crush on you" Y/n admitted. Jack blushed as well trailed his hand down her arm. The two then held hands and gazed at each other before sharing another embrace.

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