Shining Jewel (Vector x Female Reader) #3

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This story contains hints of rape, nudity and profanity. If you are sensitive to this topic then please click off. If not then enjoy the story I wrote.

"Check the borders on the north side" directed the prince. The solders nodded and headed towards that direction, spears in hand. 

"Huh it's been a long day" the ginger prince said to himself before turning around and walking through the streets.

"Toss her out there" mumbled an older man. This comment was faint, but it caught the ears of the prince.

Silently, he hid in an ally way in the back of a bar. A man opened the door and tossed what looked like a body out of the bar and into the ally.

"Wretched bitch she was only good for fucking" the man sneered before slamming the door behind him.

The prince bobbed his head and looked around before rushing towards the body.

"Hey" he called. The ginger boy looked down at the corpse and realized that it was that of a female. He placed his ear on her chest and heard a familiar sound; a heartbeat. The boy then tapped his hand on her cheek which eventually woke her up.

"Wha-what happened?" she direly asked as she opened her eyes. 

"I'll explain later, but you must come with me" he directed as he took off his cloak. The prince placed the cloak around the tattered and soaked dress, offering warmth.

"Can you walk?" he asked. Y/n tried to stand up, but toppled over. She shook her head realizing her weaken state was caused by those men.

The prince scooped her in his arms and carried her away from the ally. Y/n looked up, getting a good look at her savior's face. 

"Hey aren't you Prince Vector" she asked with a soft voice. "Yes I am" Vector replied. "What is your name?" he asked.

 "I'm Y/n L/n" she replied quietly.

Minutes passed and the two of then reached the castle. Vector continued to carry her into the castle. 

"Lets get you clean up" Vector stated, walking towards the bath house.

"Please I can do it myself" Y/n claimed. "In your state I don't think so" Vector replied with a caring voice. "I will help you" Vector offered.

"But I don't want you to see me" she retorted, a bit flustered. "Don't worry, I won't try anything" he stated. 

"Besides, you are very beautiful" Vector admitted which caused him to blush. This also caused Y/n to blush.

"Alright" she gave into his offer. The two walk into the bath house. Vector placed her on the ground and removed his cloak from around her body revealing her tattered dress.

"Those men hurt you didn't they" Vector said, touching the fluids on her dress. Y/n's eyes began to tear up as she nodded.

"My father and his friends only saw me as an object and I-I" she responded before breaking into tears. Vector placed his hands around her body and pulled her into a hug.

"Your ok, you will be safe with me. You can stay in this castle for as long as you like" Vector whispered, comforting her. Y/n calmed down, her tears being replaced by a light dusting of pink around her cheeks.

Vector then proceeded to take off her dress which revealed her beautiful curves. He had to admit that he was turned on by this, but had to keep it in after what she had gone through. Vector proceeded to assist Y/n in bathing to get her all cleaned up.

"Here you go" Vector chimed handing her a towel. She smiled and took the towel, wrapping around her body.

"This way" Vector said pointing to a hallway out of the bath house. The two got up and walked towards Vector's bedroom.

Wait here" Vector spoke opening the door for Y/n "Okay" she replied sitting on his bed. Vector then made his way to his mothers bedroom. The ginger boy knocked on the door. "Come in" spoke the soft voice of a female.

"Can I borrow one of your dresses?" he asked. "What for?" inquired his mother. "I have a guest over that is in need of a change of cloths" Vector answered.

"Alright then" Vector's mother complied pointing to her closet. "There are a few in there. Some I haven't worn yet" she said. "Thank you mother" he chimed while grabbing a white dress and some undergarments.

"I'm back" Vector cheered as he entered his room. The prince planed the cloths on the bed next to Y/n. "Do you need my help to change?" he asked.

"If you want to" she added as she blushed. Vector smirked and removed the towel from her body. Vector reached for the undergarments and placed them on her before she slipped on the dress.

"Here I have these for you too" he added giving her a pair of black flat slippers. "Thanks" she responded as she slid on the shoes. While doing that, Vector had taken out a silver chest and opened it. "Hey Y/n come here" Vector called. Y/n rushed over towards the boy.

"Do you like these?" Vector asked as he pulled out a hand full of jewelry. Y/n's eyes glittered "I can't accept these" she spouted. "Sure you can" Vector said with a smile while placing a gold necklace around her neck.

"They are my gift to you" he chirped as he put on some crystal earrings on the girl. The jewels seemed to be shining around her.

"Thank you for everything" Y/n whispered in Vector's ear, making him blush. "Hey it was nothing really" he replied in a modest tone. "No it's everything to me" Y/n retorted before she placed a kiss on vector's forehead.

"I love you so much" the h/c girl confessed, looking passionately into Vector's deep purple eyes. Vector wrapped his hands around Y/n's waist and pulled her into a kiss.

Connecting lips the two fight for dominance. Sliding tongues, Vector pins Y/n against his bed. The two come up for air; Vector looking lovingly into Y/n's bright e/c eyes.

"I love you too my shining jewel" Vector spoke quietly in her jewelry adorned ear. The two of them leaned in close to each other and kissed once more, passion surrounding them while embracing one another.

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