Dance With The Dead (Yami Bakura x Female Reader)

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It was around 11:00 pm and study session was finally over.

"Ugh time to get some rest" Y/n muttered to herself as she closed her textbooks and placed them in her bag. She glanced at the calendar with wiry eyes.

"Crap only 2 days left until the exam" she gasped as she glanced back down at her books.

"Maybe I should study a bit more" the girl spoke to herself in a dull tone.

"Or maybe you should come with me" a voice chimed in. This caught the attention of the girl as she whisked around, h/c hair flying as she did. The girl faced her bedroom window and spotted a certain silver haired boy on the ledge, moonlight reflecting off of his light hair.

"Bakura?! How long have you been there?" Y/n asked with a shocked expression edged on her tired face.

"Long enough. Come on lets have some fun. You are always studying, and it gets lonely sometimes" Bakura replied with a sly smirk. Y/n paused for a moment before shaking her head.

"Sorry I can't this time. I have to get up early tomorrow so I can finish studying" Y/n spoke softly. However, Bakura wasn't having it. The pale boy grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.

"I'll show you a good time either you like it or not" the male whispered in her ear as they jumped out of her bedroom window into the dark night.

"Where are you taking me?" the female asked while trying to keep up with him.

"Oh you'll see" he said slyly. A few minutes passed and the two entered a cemetery.

"What are we doing in here?" Y/n inquired while feeling uncomfortable. Bakura still had a grip on her wrist.

"This way" he directed her. The two of them made it towards the enter of the cemetery where there was an angel statue and a wider field. Still a bit confused, the s/c girl looked over at the person who gradually let go of her wrist.

"I want you to come dance with me" Bakura requested as he offered his hand.

"Why? In here?" Y/n asked feeling puzzled.

"Just do it" Bakura snickered quietly. Y/n let out a quiet sigh before taking his hand. Bakura placed his other hand on her waist and she placed her other hand around his shoulder. The two of them began to dance into the night. Twisting and turning, swaying to the sound of their own music. Letting their movements speak for themselves. 

Time passed and the two slowed their movements. Y/n stared into Bakura's sky blue eyes while Bakura gazed into Y/n's e/c eyes. The silent rays of the moon reflected off of Y/n's dazzling h/c hair, making her seem enchanted. Bakura did love the cemetery, as it was one of his favorite places. Sharing it to her was the best decision her had ever made.

"You are so beautiful like that" Bakura blurted out while blushing. This comment made Y/n's face flush a vibrant pink colour.

"You really think so?" she muttered back, a bit flustered.

"I know so" he replied back before placing a kiss on her cheek. Y/n just could not contain herself and she pressed her lips onto his. Reluctantly, the silver haired boy kissed back. The two then stand their, totally captivated by themselves.

Various Yugioh Character ONESHOTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon