Eleven - A new beginning

Start from the beginning

I had my breakfast and drove to the hospital. And, fortunately, today it was my lecture in the morning. Let the game begins, Shakshi!

Shakshi's Pov

Ari tried to ask me what had happened. I was remained silent. I didn't knew what to say and to be more accurate where to start. My tears dried. I still have no idea why I got too emotional. I felt like I lost something. Like some part of me was gone. I never expected that he would left me this early.

I knew he likes me. He was rude but he cares about me. May be I was one of his girls he hits when he was bored. I swallowed hard. My mind was in dilemma. Did I like him or not? Did he liked me or not?

I hate the feeling that he said good bye, that we are parted now. But I really wished for this. I wanted him to leave me alone. To let me live in peace. I asked him for that, right? Still I didn't felt good but just the opposite.
I wanted to cry. I hugged Ari and cried. I didn't even knew why I was crying.

I went to bed hoping for the things to be okay tommorrow. I stirred agai and again in my bed. I can't sleep. He was different from all others who tried to propose me. He was bossy but I liked that secretly. How dare he trashed me so easily? My mind slapped me that he didn't ditch you but it was me! Take it slow, Shakshi! He is not right for you. His arrogance and dominance never deserves you. Your Prince Charming will definitely not like him. Patience!

Next morning I went to the class asusual late due to my insomnia because of Mr. Arrogant. Unfortunately it was his class now. After getting down from the bus, I crossed the road infront of my college in such a hurry. I didn't notice a car was turning into my campus.

It hits me and with that I fell down. Thank god! The car was slow as it was turning into my campus. This is all because of you Mr. Arrogant!

Due to the tension that built up within me because of all that happened my body was shivering, my vision blurred. I felt burning pain on my forearm.

I tried to get up. I got bruises on my forearm and leg. My top got strucked somewhere with the bumper. And my effort of standing tore my dress. What a great start! I skidded. I prepared myself for the next fall. I closed my eyes.

A pair of strong muscular arm holded me securly. What was so wrong with me nowadays? Why do I have so much encounter with masculine arms? Wait! Was it Mr. Arrogant once again? I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to see him.

"I'm really sorry. Are you okay?" It was not his voice atleast. The voice was deep, so manly!

"Can you hear me? Are you okay?" his voice was filled with concern. More like Worried!

I slowly opened my eyes. It was not him! He was so handsome. But he looked like a person with soft heart unlike Mr. Rude! He was fair toned. His eyes were sharp and it looked... worried? For me?

"Get me the water. Fast!" his voice was commanding. It was not dominating but more like caring.

"You okay? Miss?" he was supporting me with his arm. I was leaning against his chest. A man dressed in white uniform came running to us with a water bottle. He was the driver I guess. Then what this man was doing here?

He brought the water bottle to my lips. He gently pressed it against my mouth caring not to hurt my lips. Mr. Gentle?

I felt little bit alright. I am now embrassed that I was in his arms. There was now people surrounded us and watching. More cautious about the situation I tried to stand up.
With a sharp tearing sound my fabric torn and revealed half of my midriff. Damn!

He stood immediately beside me. My leg was hurting now. I refluxly hold his shoulder for support and to prevent myself from falling. And with the other hand I hurried to cover the skin which was now out for the show. I hated this moment! I need my mom! Tears brimmed. I didn't knew wheather it was because of pain or the humiliation.

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