t w e n t y s i x

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"Why couldn't I stay at home?" You say as you look at your mom and dad as you all stood on that porch of Jimin's home.

Your mom pinches your cheek really hard, allowing you to let out a groan. "Because. It's a family dinner. And because I said so." She gritted out.

You rubbed your cheek as you pouted while you held your head down. Your mom cleared her throat as she rung the door bell.

After your mom and dad came back from the business trip, Jimin's parents were so excited and they thought that you all should have a little family get together.

Of course you freaked out when you found out. You still haven't mastered the whole 'get rid of your feelings for Jimin' thing.

And your mom knew about your feelings and yet she still dragged you along. You were starting to think she did this on purpose.

After you guys stood there for a while, you rung the door bell again starting to get annoyed.

"Bummer. They aren't home. Well I guess we should leave now." You say as you turned around ready to leave but Taehyung pulled your arm. You smacked his arm and you glared up at him.

As soon as you were about to give him a piece of your mind, the front door swung open. Revealing a shirtless Jimin as his face turned pale when he seen you and your family standing at the door.

His heart dropped as soon as he opened the door as his eyes fell straight on you. Your eyes widened as you quickly stared down at the ground as you felt your cheeks start to warm up, and it from your mom pinching you earlier.

Your mom let out a soft gasp which bright Jimin's attention to her. Along with every one else. "Young man! Where are your clothes? That is not how you greet your guest!"

She scolds him as she grabs his arm and drags him into the house. You all followed behind them as you stepped into the house.


You've been at the Park residence for quite a while now and you still haven't ate. That was the whole point of doing this whole thing anyways.

You scrolled through the channels as you rolled your eyes. It was so boring there and you really wanted to go home now.

Jimin and Tae went up to Jimin's room. Your mom and Mrs. Park are preparing in the kitchen as your dad and Mr. Park chatted about whatever.

You let out a dramatic groan as you stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen, where your mom and Mrs. Park was.

You walked in causing their laughter to die down. Your mother seemed surprised to see you as you just looked at her weirdly.

"Is the food almost done? I'm starving." You say as you rub your tummy and pouted as you glanced back and forth from your mom and Jimin's mom.

Mrs Park chuckled as she patted your head and walked towards the door, you and your mother following behind her.

"Please go tell the boys the food is ready." She says as she places some things onto the table. You nodded your head as you stormed upstairs.

You slowly walked through the halls. Jimin's bedroom door seemed so far away as you spotted it from the end of the hall. It seems as if the room was growing longer and as if you'd been walking for quite some time now.

You squinted your eyes when everything around you started to get dark. But the only thing you could see was Jimin's bedroom door. It was glowing as if it's trying to lure you in.

You tilted your head to the side as you stopped in your tracks. You gulped and took a shaky breathe as you slowly closed your eyes, trying to leave this scene. You felt your legs starting to move again, not opening your eyes.

It was like your legs had their own mind as they started going by their own. You where to afraid to open your eyes. You just wanted to eat and go back home.

This whole thing was a bad idea. Not only that your at Jimin's house but you couldn't get the image of Jimin's soaking wet abs out of your mind.

It was as if every time you closed your eyes, that images popped up. You pictured the water droplets rolling down his defined abs as they vanished into his gym shorts. You wanted to touch him so bad. You wanted him to touch you.

But his voice from the day you confessed to him replayed into the back of your mind.
"I'm sorry y/n. But...I don't feel the same."

That made you quickly snap your eyes open and you wished you had before as you felt yourself crash into something.

You fell on your butt and hands as you closed your eyes. You let out a little groan when you hit the floor.

A soft gasp made your eyes fly open as you looked up. "Y/n! Are you okay?"

Jimin asked you. You didn't say anything as he helped you stand up. You suddenly forgot where you were and why you were upstairs.

You looked around confused as your eyes fell back on Jimin. "Where am I?" You whisper to your self.

You heard a chuckle escape from his lips and all the memories came back to you. You bit your lip in embarrassment as you stared at the ground.

"How hard did you hit your head?" He asked with a laugh. You didn't say anything as you felt your cheeks warm up. You slowly looked up at him but then quickly looked away.

"And. Why were you walked five miles per hour in the hallway?" Your heart dropped at his sentence.

You looked up at him as you groaned from embarrassment. He seen you as you went through a stupid crisis. You probably looked dumb. This is probably the reason why he doesn't like you.

"D-Don't worry about it. I came up here to tell you and Taehyung that the food is ready." You say as you turned around and stormed down the stairs.

i know this chapter is short and boring but I haven't uploaded in a bit and I decided that I should post a little shirt chapter. So i hope you guys like this chapter 💙

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