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The room was filled with awkwardness and quietness. You looked back and forth between your mom and Jimin. You haven't touched your food at all since you've been sitting there.

You couldn't help but to wonder what was so important Jimin had to tell you. You bounced your leg up in down under the table and you stared off into space.

What ever it was that he wanted to get off his chest was surely bothering him since he's been acting weird lately.

And of course you would do anything to get him to spill what ever it is that needs to be said.

"Y/n honey? Are you okay? You haven't touched your food or said anything since the two of you came in here." Your mother said, losing you from your thoughts.

Your leg stopped bouncing and your eyes landed on her. "Huh? O-oh! Yeah , yes i'm fine ... just , thinking." You say as your gazed shifted from your mother to Jimin. You looked down at his plate and he had almost ate every thing on it. You smiled to yourself thinking about how hungry he must have been.

"Thinking about what? Has something been bothering you?" Your mom asks you.

Yes. It has. The fact that Jimin will not go away is making you frustrated. You really want the feelings for him to go away but no matter how hard you try , it just feels as if they are getting stronger.

He makes you feel a type of way , that no one ever made you feel. And it kills you inside to know he doesn't feel the same.

You want to just get away. Maybe with him... or even by yourself. You want to just feel his touch, you want him to hold you in his arms, and to just feel his warmth.

But you can't have that. Because y/n and Jimin doesn't and will never exist.

"No. I'm fine." You faked smiled at her. Your heart aches keeping all of these emotions in, especially keeping it from your own mom. You tell her everything but you feel as if you tell her this, or any one they would take you as a joke.

You cleared your throat and stood up from the table, leaving your moms and Jimins confused eyes watching your movements.

"I'm going up to my room now." You say as your about to walk away.

"But, you didn't even touch your food yet." Your mom mumbles. She could tell it was something up with you, but she didn't want to pressure you into telling her. She knew sooner or later you would come out to her. So she just let you be.

"I'm not hungry any more." You say as you left the kitchen and hurried up the stairs and into your safe room aka your bed room.

Your mom let out a long sigh as she turns to look at Jimin. He looked at her and smiled softly. She only let out a chuckle and she pinched one of his cheeks.

"Your such a handsome boy Jimin. No wonder why Y/n likes you so much." She says and she scoots her chair out and stands up from the table and carry hers and Jimins plate to the kitchen sink.

Jimin didn't say anything. He only could think about what he wanted to tell Y/n. He wanted to tell you so bad, but he didn't know how to say it.

Meanwhile you where in your room talking on the phone with Jiwoo.

You smiled as you listened to her and Taehyung cutely argue over which game to play next. You started to love their relationship so much. You let out a sigh, wishing you had something like theirs.

Suddenly you heard a knock on your door. "I'll call you guys back." You say to the two on the phone. You hung up before they could reply.

"Come in!" You yell. You watched the door slowly open , the face that peaked around the door left you surprised.

"Y-Your mom sent me up here, to check up on you." Jimin stuttered as he clears his throat.

You bit your lip and you let out a sigh. You crawled towards the end of your bed, grabbing Jimins hand and pulling him towards the ending of your bed. "Sit." You say as you pulled him down.

You sat down on your knees as you just stared at his side profile. You wanted him to tell you what he wanted to tell you earlier. You didn't know why but you where dying to know whatever it was.

"So... about the thing you wanted to tell me earlier, before my mom interrupted." You let out a soft chuckle, trying to brighten up the mood.

Jimin only let out a sigh. He turned so that he was facing you. He looked down at your fildleing fingers. That made him smile. The thought of you becoming nervous every time he's around made his heart warm up.

"Um. About that..." he trails off. "I don't really know how to say it." You nodded your head, letting him know that you were listening to him.

"But I've been meaning to get this off my chest..." that sentence made you freeze up. Your heart drummed against your chest as you waited for him to spill the rest of it out. He squeezed his eyes shut as he held his head down.

Your face softened up as you stared at him. Something has been really bothering him and it seems as if he doesn't want any body to know.

"Jimin, you don't have to say anything if you don't want. I'm not going to force you. Take your time."

Those words made him look up at you. He stared in your eyes and his danced from one to the other. You could feel your cheeks warm up as you just slowly stared back.

Your eyebrows furrowed, you didn't know if you were hallucinating or if Jimin was getting closer to you.

His eyes fell down to your lips as you licked them slowly and swallowed the lump in your throat.

Jimin looked back up at your eyes as his hand slowly rises to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear.

It was as if you were hypnotized by his touch, gaze, and scent. You could hear your drumming heart thumping against your chest as the two of you just stared at one another.

His hand slowly fell down to cup the side of your face. His thumb circled over a small area as he pulled your face closer to his.

You were so close now that you could feel his breathe mixing with yours. The tip of your noses grazed against one another's.

"Jimin.." you let out a soft whisper.

"Shh." He says softly as his eyes began to close. He pulled you a bit closer until you felt his lips touch yours. You didn't move. You couldn't move. You were stuck and shook. You only stared at his closed eyes.

You slowly started to pull away. Not knowing what had just happened. Jimins eyes shot open as he just stared at your heated and confused face.

You bit your bottom lip softly as your eyes landed back on Jimins. You glanced back and forth between his lips and eyes.

And before you know it, your climbing into his lab as your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands tangling into his hair as the two of you began a heated make out session.

The room started to fill with heat and the heavy breathing and the smacking of the two of your lips morphing together.

You couldn't believe what was going in right now. It felt as if it was a dream, as if it was too good to be true but , it felt real and you knew it was real.

Heyyy guyssss. I haven't updated in a while. I know I said I was going to try to start updating more but I've been really busy 😅 but i hoped you all enjoyed this chapter and excuse any errors 💗💗

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