e i g h t e e n

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Your mom could hear your soft sniffles through your bedroom door as she waited out side of it.

She softly knocked on the door, calling you name. "Y/n sweetie, what happened? Can I come in?"

She heard your shuffling footsteps as you got up from under your covers and up to your door.

You stood by the door debating if you should let her in.

If you do then maybe there's a possibility of her telling Taehyung. Or your dad, and he might tell Taehyung.

But on the other hand If you don't, then she won't stop bothering you.

You finally decided and you opened the door for your mother as she entered your room, her eyes on you the whole time.

After you closed the door, you turned around with your head down.

The tears started to pour down some more as you became a sobbing and sniffling mess.

Your moms eyes saddened as she held her arms open for you. "Come here dear..." She softly says as you hugged her and cries into her neck.

She rubbed your back trying to calm you down. But it somehow only made it worse.

After what seemed like hours to you went by, you've finally managed to calm your self down and stop the tears..for now.

Your mom walked you over to your bed and you both took a seat on it as you hugged your pillow, lying down.

You didn't say anything besides stare at your wall.

Your mom let out a sigh as she stared down at you.

"Y/n. I think it's time for you to start explaining to me now." She says softly. That made you shift your gaze to her. You rolled your eyes, knowing that she was going to say that soon.

You sat up slowly as your back was against your back board, you pillow still in your arms. You stared blankly at your mom.

You wanted to cry but your sure you've already ran out of tears.

Your mom rubbed your knee trying to comfort you. You showed a pained smile.

You cleared your throat ready to talk. But when you opened your mouth to speak, no a sound came out. It was almost as if you lost your voice. Which maybe you did.

Your mom raised both of her eyebrows as your mouth stayed wide open. You moved your hands around but you were only confusing your self.

"I'll go get you some water. Maybe your dehydrated." You mom says as she stands up. She grabs a empty cup that's sitting on your night stand by your bed. She went to your bathroom in your room and turned the sink on. Filling the cup with cold water.

She came back with the water as she handed to you. You gulped it down and placed it back on your night stand.

You cleared your throat a couple of times before talking.

"Mom..." your voice came out raspy. You cleared your throat once more.

"Mom, I'll only tell you if you promise me not to tell Taehyung..." your voice was still a bit raspy but you just thought you had to deal with it.

She looked confused for a bit but she nodded her head showing you she understood. "Sure. But why?"

You exhaled through your nose as you closed your eyes for a second. You opened them back and blurted it out.

"I'm in love with Jimin and I told him but he didn't feel the same way and I made a complete fool out of myself and now he probably hates me and everything is going to be super weird when I go to school tomorrow so please please let me stay home." You blurted out super fast as you took deep breathes.

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