Legend of the Dark Knight: Nothing's Shocking

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Jade is yawning, she is at the door of the club. Board out of her brain. "Nothing exciting happening here tonight Selena." Jade said looking around. "Give it time, I am sure someone will get killed for ya Jade." Selina said laughing. "Oh look Selina, the Dinosaurs are back." Jade said giggling as she looked at the two old ex-cops, who came into the club on occasion. "What do you two Granddads want?" Barbara asked them. "Hey Barbara are we running a geriatric home now?" Selina asked. "One drink, to share." Barbara said to them. Jade and Selina laughed. "Hey look Selina another one." Jade said. He is the man we know as Harvey's old partner Dicks. He talked to the two men at the bar, before slitting their throats. "Well ya did say ya wanted some excitement." Selina said with a sigh. "Not exactly what I had in mind." Jade said giggling. Jade had spent the night crying on Tony's shoulder, but today was a brand new day. Jade was feeling good again. As was Selina...

Alfred with Bruce and Tony are talking to a woman in hospital. "We formed a real community. Then people started to go missing. We heard screaming and growling. My husband Hank went to see, he is still there. I don't know who to turn to." She said. Don't worry lady, Super Bruce, and Super Tony along with their sidekick Super Alfred, are here to help.. But I do wonder, how ya find em Alfred?? Oh one word, Gotham. They discuss what they need to do. Tony decides to call Jade.. Always good in a crisis I am sure of it..

With the club closed, Jim and Harvey have been called by Barbara to come to the club. "Hello Daddy, how are you?" Rachel asked. "How is Lee?" Ashley asked. These days they are inseparable. "I am fine, so is Lee." Jim said. "So why call us today Barbara?" Harvey asked. She throws back the white sheet. The two me lay there on the floor. "Yucky!" Ashley said. "They are ex-cops aint they?" Jade asked. "How did you know?" Harvey asked her. "You." Jade said. "Don't ask me I don't know her anymore." Barbara said as Jim looked at her. "Right here. Just came to say I am off, going underground with tony." Jade said giggling. "Another old fossil came in and did this." Barbara said. Harvey went pale. "Was he in a wheelchair?" Harvey asked. "Dah? No!" Selina said. Forensics arrive to take the bodies. "Everyone out please." They say. "I will go check on Pengie and Riddle man if ya like?" Rachel said. "You go with Selina Ashley." Barbara said. "Where?" Selina asked. "Don't know, don't care." Barbara said walking away. "Come on kid, let's go see the other kids." Selina said they left to go to the GCPD, where the families now hung out in the green zone..

Ed is working on the submarine. He is getting a little cranky too. He of course is all alone.. Poor Ed. "hi ya Riddle man." Rachel said bouncing into the room. Ed didn't speak, he looked behind her for Barbara. "You alone today?" Ed asked. "Yep." Rachel said. "Rachel, is Barbara with you?" Penguin said coming into the room. "Your late." Ed said. "I had to stop off and get lunch. Oh and Dale." Penguin said. Dale was Penguin's idea of muscle, well all that was left here in Gotham. "Ooo Lunch can I share? What did ya get?" Rachel asked going to take a look. Ed's highly accurate alarm system, bells conceded to door. Goes off again. "Anyone would think someone was watching you." Rachel said biting into the sandwich. "Someone is." Ed said. "Mr Penn!" Penguin said getting excited. "I thought he was dead?" Rachel said. "I was. Hello Mr Cobblepot, My Nygma. Miss Kean." Penn said polite as usual. "How did you find us?" Ed asked. "What do you want?" Rachel asked. "Well he made me come here. He knew where you were.." Mr Penn said. "Who?" Penguin asked. Mr Penn had with him a suitcase, inside was a Puppet. Ugly little fellow. Big white face with a scar across his cheek. "Mr Cobblepot, meet Mr Scar-face." Mr Penn said. Rachel almost choked on her food, Ed and Penguin stood there just looking... Well it is unusual, Mr Penn with a Puppet.....

Harvey and Jim have made it to Dick's place. He shoots first then lets them in. He is packed up ready to go somewhere. Where, the bridges have blown?? They talk about when Harvey worked with the other two detectives. He was a rookie cop at the time. Open and shut case, the woman killed her husband.. There is a knock at the door. Harvey answers it, he his hit, he hits back they fight, Harvey pulls his face off!!!! Gotham People....

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