A Dark Knight: The Fear Reaper

Start from the beginning

Selina is at the door to a new place? Jade is standing looking over the huge silver doors. "What are you two doing here?" Tabatha asked them. "I guess the same thing as you Aunty Tabatha. We are here for this card. Look." Jade said holding up the white and gold embossed card with a smile. 'An Opportunity awaits.' the card said. "I am excited." Samantha said. The girls entered the venue. "Hello Ladies." Barbara said. OMG Barbara aint dead?? But we seen Tabatha kill her?? "Mummy!" Rachel yells as she ran to her. "Hello Baby." Barbara said hugging the girl. "No way?" Selina breathed. "Yes way cool?" Jade said. "I saw you die." Tabatha said. "It's Gotham baby. You should have checked my pulse." Barbara said. "How long have you been back?" Samantha asked. "Long enough to set up this place." Barbara said as the walls turned around revealing, a shit load of guns!! "Way cool Aunty Barbara." Jade said with a giggle. "So what is the opportunity?" Selina asked. "Selling guns." Samantha said. "Yes." Barbara said. She seems strange, a little less, emotional?? But looking super hot!! "No way!" Tabatha said leaving the room. "She's still angry." Jade said smiling. "Can you tell Aunty Tabatha I will stay with Mum. If that is alright?" Rachel said. "Of course it is." Barbara said. "Hey one thing before I go. Does Joker know about this place?" Jade asked. "Yes." Barbara said with a laugh. I bet he is one of ya best customers aint he Barbara??

"Arkum is under siege. We got the call from one of the guards as they run off." Harvey told Jim. Jim calls for people to come with him. But alas no one will. Bugger Jim.

Jim is at Arkum, he is all alone poor boy. He is a lonely bear! "GCPD!" Jim calls. He finds Reed, he has now become his greatest fear. He has become a clown. A scary one too!

Scarecrow is watching Jim on the monitor. He is one happy scarecrow. He wants the GCPD to pay for the death of his Dad. Well he hit the jackpot. He got the man who shot his Dad!!

Penguin has come to visit Barbara. He has dragged Zsasz and Ivy with him. "I heard you were back in business." Penguin said to her. "We are not open yet." Barbara said. Don't think he cares Barbie! Penguin threatens Barbara with Zsasz if she does not pay his tax. "I am waiting for my partners." Barbara said. "Do you mean Selina, Jade and Tabatha? I can go tell them about you if you want?" Ivy said. "I thought I told you to stay quiet!" Penguin yelled at her. Don't yell at Ivy you slimy little bird!! Ya don't have to take that Ivy, go stay with Joker and Harley. Oh maybe not... "I am going to take this." Zsasz said to Barbara as he left. I think he was more excited than Jade about that one!

Jim is still wandering through Arkum. He meets up with Scarecrow. "Crane?" He asked. Scarecrow took off his mask. "No more. I am now The scarecrow." He said to Jim. "What is it you fear James Gordon?" He asked right before he sprayed Jim. I bet it is snakes or spiders Scarecrow. "What haunts you most?" Scarecrow asked. Snakes and spiders?? But as Jim screams in the corner it aint any of them. It is Lee losing the baby. She has killed herself in the tub. It aint right, the woman looks hot even in death!! "You should join her James. Don't let her die alone." Scarecrow whispers into his ear.. "NO! She loves me. She would not want this." Jim said. What he beat his fears?? Super Jim is in the building!!

Bruce has decided to go out and do the hero thing again. What do ya think ya are Bruce? Batman? Ha ha ha.. Bruce is tailing a few thugs. He gets caught up with them, they almost beat the shit out of him again! But is is Super Alfred, and Tony to the rescue. "You are so lucky we followed you." Tony said. "Well if you had come to help me in the first place we could have taken them." Bruce said. "Grow up Bruce, you can not handle this town without me." Tony said laughing. "Enough boys. This is not getting us anywhere. Let's go home." Alfred said. Those boys are just so funny!!

Selina, Jade and Tabatha are arguing. "I am not ready to forgive her for Butch." Tabatha said. "NO one said ya had to forgive her. Just work with her to make some money." Jade said. "Well I sure as hell don't want to work with her." Samantha said. "But she is ya Mum?" Selina said. "Yeah she didn't die, and I was one of the last to know. Nice! Harley and Joker knew before me!" Samantha said. "Sorry Sammy. I didn't think." Jade said. "It's alright, I am going to see Tommy." Samantha said leaving the girls to it.

Scarecrow is at Arkum telling his friends that James Gordon is their worst nightmare. They are now after Jim. Poor Super Jim.. They chase him down, Scarecrow locks him into the room. Jim in desperation sets off the sprinkler system. OMG the fear toxin is now gone from the inmates.. He really is a super Jim aint he??

Ivy has gone to see Harleen, of Harley as she is now known. Plant thing." Joker said to her as he saw her enter the club. "Joke!" Ivy said walking past him. Joker growled. "Sister." Ivy calls as she went to the back of the club. "Ivy sister, how... What is the matter?"Harley asked rushing to her. "I hate Penguin. Jade and Selina are too busy working with Tabatha. No one has any time for me." Ivy said sobbing on Harley's shoulder. "No really? I can see why ya are upset with Penguin. He is an ass. But Selina and Jade?" Harley asked. "Like I said, they are too busy with Barbara and Tabatha." Ivy said sobbing again. "Will she be staying?" Joker asked. "Maybe?" Harley said laughing. "I am going to the Iceberg lounge." Joker said leaving the room. We will hug ya Ivy, you can hang with us. We love ya still...

"You know you could have been killed Bruce!" Alfred said slamming down his coat on the bench. "But I did not!" Bruce said. There is a knock on the door. "Hello Mr Fox." Tony said. "Bad time?" Foxy asked. "No, no come on in." Alfred said. "I was thinking about your 'Rock Climbing'. At Wayne enterprises I was working on some special ah ... suits. I thought you might like them." Foxy said smiling. He is just so cute when he smiles aint he??

Tabatha, Jade and Selina have come to see Barbara again. "I will work with you on one condition." Tabatha said. "You name it." Barbara said. "I want your hand." Tabatha said. "No! Aunty Tabatha No!" Rachel said crying. "She aint going to do it." Jade said to her. "Yes I will if it makes you trust me again." Barbara said laying out her hand. Tabatha takes a chopper, she raises it. "No one said anything about this?" Selina said. Tabatha drops the chopper! Rachel screams. But it is all in vain. Barbara still has her hand. "We knew ya would not do it Aunty Tabatha." Jade said breathing a sigh of relief. Did ya really Jade? We sure didn't.

Back at the GCPD, Penguin has arrived. He wants the scarecrow. "Well old friend, you might want to go check the vegetable garden." Jim said. "Don't do this to me James, you will regret it." Penguin said. "I already do Oswald." Jim said going to his desk to sit. Bad Day Jim??

Ivy has taken enough, she is on the turn. "No not you again, smell my perfume, then you take. No pay. No more." The shop keeper said. "Well I am over perfumes, I now want more. Where do you keep the good stuff?" Ivy asked. "No not... under the counter." He said to her. She had made him smell her perfume again. "Be careful with that. Very dangerous." He said to Ivy. Ivy found the potions she downed the lot! No Ivy what have ya done now?? We like you Ivy, don't die on us!!

Meanwhile that night Joker and Harley watch with interest. Bruce and Tony have donned the new suits that Foxy had made for them. Alfred is on the ground near the limo barking instructions to the boys. They are not used to the suits and are rather clumsy. Then Alfred tells them to put on the masks he made for them. He is one hell of a butler. I wish I had one just like him! Ha ha ha... "They look kinda funny Mr J." Harley said giggling as they run jumping from building to building. "Well this is Gotham Harley! But they call us clown's." Joker said laughing with Harley. Their laughter echoing across the rooftops of Gotham!!!!!!!!!!!!!     

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