Wrath of the Villains: Unleashed

Start from the beginning

Bruce found Selina and Jade. Wow Selina looks great. She has her hair straightened. Wow girl ya can rock that! Jade is the same, a pony tail at the back. "Tones!" Jade said running to him. "Mara." Tony replied hugging her tight. Selina sighed. "What do you want?" Selina asked. Well Bruce ya deserved that. "Have you seen the news?" Bruce asked. "Yep, walking zombies in Gotham." Jade said with a giggle. "Well I have been to see Strange. I know he is hiding something." Bruce said. "So?" Selina asked. "I need to break in to Arkum." Bruce said. "Hey Bruce, most people want to break out, not in." Jade said giggling. "I know, but I need to know what Strange is up to." Bruce said. "Why?" Selina asked. "Because he was the one that betrayed our Dad." Tony said. "Oh." Selina said. "He has an area called Indian hill. That is where Theo Galavan went to be cremated. I know they took your friend there too." Bruce said. "Ya know Bruce, ya should have led with that." Jade said. "I will go." Selina said. "What? But why?" Bruce asked. "Because if they find you snooping round, they will make a big deal of it. But if they find me. They will just let me go. No one cares about me." Selina said. We do Sena. Notice Bruce doesn't argue with her? "I'm going in with ya." Jade said. Cool we want to go to. "Alright well I do know of a way in." Selina said with a smile. You naughty girl. I like it.

At the Cemetery at the Dumas Crypt. Tabatha, Harvey, Jim and Jackson are there. "So do we have a key?" Harvey asked. Tabatha takes out a crow bar. "Or a crowbar." Harvey said as he followed them into the crypt. "This one." Tabatha said patting it. She is just so cool. "Come on Jackson." Jim said. He was getting ready to move the stone over the dead man. "Wait. I am sure we are breaking so many rules here, right now." Harvey said. "What are ya scared Harvey?" Jackson asked. "What you two don't find this a little creepy?" Harvey asked. We do Harvey. Ha ha ha.. "Oh god." Harvey breaths as the stone top moves. Jim takes the sword off of the dead skeleton. "I will take that." Azrael said. Shit he is here! Run people Run! Of course Harvey and Jim do the cop thing. They Shoot! Azrael beats the shit out of Jim then Harvey. "He ya dope. Ya forgot about me." Jackson said. Stay down Jackson stay down! Tabatha gets into Theo's face. "Remember me?" She said to him. "Tabatha." She said. "Tabatha." He repeated as he looked at her. Jackson is waiting to see how it turns out. But he does have a gun ready. "Yes." Tabatha said. "Remember we lived by the sea in the estate. The monks raised you. You are Theo Galavan, my brother." Tabatha said. She is just so sexy, and sweet, and..... Theo has flashbacks of his life as Theo. "Bruce Wayne. We were sent to kill him. He disgraced our family." Theo said. "Death to the son of Gotham!" Azrael said as he run his sword through Tabatha. NO! NO! NO! Not our Tabatha! No! .. Sob..

Jade and Selina are watching the laundry truck being loaded for Gotham. They somehow get inside the bins. "So tell me again how this is a good idea?" Jade whispered to Selina.

Jim finds Tabatha, she is laying in Jackson's arms. Shit don't tell Harleen! "I'm sorry I made him remember Bruce Wayne." Tabatha said. Super Jim to the rescue. He runs off leaving Harvey and Jackson with Tabatha. He commandeers a police car on the way out of the grounds. Naughty Jim. So naughty since ya left the force aint ya?

Selina and Jade are out of the linen bins. They somehow escape the truck. Sneak across the drive. Over and up onto the roof. All the while missing the search lights. Gee anyone would think you girls have done this before? Ha ha ha. Into the air vent they go. We are now watching Selena and Jade at their best. "Oh yuck Sena!" Jade whispered to her bottom. "Really Jade. You wanted to come." Selina said as she passed a rat. "Ya could have talked me out of it." Jade said. "I know." Selina said with a giggle.

Jim is driving, he is calling Alfred. Naughty Jim. Not supposed to use phone while driving. Alfred finally picked it up. "Master Bruce?" He asked. "No Jim. I was hoping you knew where they were?" Jim asked. "Why?" Alfred asked. "Theo Galavan remembered he had to kill them. He is after them." Jim said. "Oh shit, I left them to look for Selina and Jade." Alfred said. "I know where they are. I will go to them." Jim said. Alfred hangs up. He turns to a noise. Shit it is Tony and Bruce. "Oh my lord Master Bruce, and Tony. You scared me. Theo Galavan is after you. We have to shut the manner up now." Alfred said. "Yes Alfred. But we wanted to tell you. You are more than a guardian to us." Bruce said. Awe aint they sweet boys? I think not!

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