Rise of the Villains: Scarification

Start from the beginning

At the Merc, Evan is looking at the price of his explosives. Woh far to expensive. "Robbery." He said with a chuckle. He shoved some stuff down his pants. "GCPD. Nobody move." Jim yelled. Shit Evan get out of there. He runs. Gets to a wire fence. Jim and Barnes have a gun on him. Don't shoot guys he is packing! They shoot. Bye Bye Evan. Not funny! Stop laughing! Not funny! ha ha.

That night Ed and Kristen are at dinner with Lee. Jim still working. They are feeding each other cheese fondue. Awe aint they a lovely couple? Jim finally gets home. "Daddy." Rachel said running to him. She is getting bored watching Ed and Kristen eat. "Rachel, sorry I am late." Jim said with a smile. But ya know what I don't think he is. Well Jim at least ya could look sorry, even if it is just for Rachel.

Back at the pike house. "Biggest job we get, and he has to go and die on us." Cal said to Joe about Evan. Joe sits eyeing up Bridget. "What do ya think?" Joe asked. "She could work it." Cal said. "NO! You know she is scared of fire." Taylor said. "But she is small enough to fit into the air con shaft." Joe said. "I will do it." Taylor said. "I have an idea. Why don't ya both do it?" Joe said to them. Taylor looked at Bridget. I guess they are not part of the fire bug team. You go girls.

Joe and Cal are in the van. They are talking the girls through what they have to do. "Now in the bottom of the bag is a small box. Use that." Joe said. "Ewe! It's an eyeball." Bridget said. "Here let me." Taylor said taking the box form Bridget. She scanned the lock with the eye. "Welcome Mr Bunderslaw." The electronic voice said. "Not take the knife from the shelf and run!" Joe said as he and Cal sat in the van laughing. Taylor grabbed the knife and run to the duct. She got out, Bridget behind her. Bridget got her leg burned. "It hurts Taylor." Bridget said to her.

Jim and Barnes are talking. What about Harvey Jim? They are discussing the fires last night. "See if there is a connection." Barnes said walking away.

Bridget and Taylor are in the basement. They have found some stuff to make some fire proof suits with. Selina comes to visit. "Hi Selina. Where's Jade?" Taylor asked. "She didn't want to come up." Selina said. "I can understand that. A lot of memories here." Taylor said. "Want a soda?" Bridget asked. "No I only came to get the knife for Penguin." Selina said. "Here it is." Taylor said. "What are ya sewing?" Selina asked. Fire proof suits. Bridget got burned last night." Taylor said. "Why you working with them?" Selina asked. "Because it is one huge rush Selina." Bridget said her eyes shining.

Butch and Penguin are talking about the knife. "Why would he want an antique knife with the Wayne family crest?" Penguin asked. "We could ask Edwige." Butch said. "Edwige?" Penguin asked. Turns out she is an antique dealer. She knows about the knife. When she visits Penguin tells he she can touch it if she wants. "I have it don't bite." Jade said with a giggle. "Not to you. But it has a very dark past." Edwige said. She then proceeds to tell them a story. It begins with 200 years ago. There were five founding families. The Wayne's, The Elliot's, The Crownes, The Napier's, and The Dumas. The Wayne's and The Dumas had a falling out over a set of lovers. Celestine Wayne, and Caleb Dumas. There was a lovers squabble. Jonathon Wayne cut Caleb's hand off because of it all. He was then exiled to a remote island. Where he spent his time in a religious sect. They now go by the name of Galavan. "I knew he was doggy." Jade said clapping her hands. "Yes Jade they surely are." Penguin said. "Hey maybe you did something too Jackson. Your Family are the Napier's aint they?" Jade asked. "Yes Jade they are. Aint that just a hoot." Jackson said laughing. Penguin snickers.

Penguin had sent everyone away. Butch has just returned from dropping off the knife. He is waiting with a bottle of Butch's favorite drink. What is he up to now? "Butch, I want you to do something for me. Sit and have a drink." Penguin said. Butch did as he was told. "Now I want you to go and tell Galavan I went off. Tell him you want to work for him now. Then you will find Mother and report back to me." Penguin said with a smile at them man. He took another drink. Penguin then cut off Butch's hand!!!!!! OMG Didn't see that coming!

Jim and Harvey have worked out where the next fire will be. Or so they think. "Yes, stakeout!" Harvey said with a smile. Yeah ya like that don't ya Harvey! Joe, Cal, Bridget and Taylor arrive there in the van. Taylor and Bridget in their fire suits. Both with back packs ready to go. Jim and Harvey jump out of the cars. They call in the strike force. Joe and Cal drive off leaving the girls. Selina and Jade are watching from the top of the fire escape. Bridget gets trapped. She fires up her back pack. Garrett goes for her, he gets Burned. Jade and Selina call for Bridget and Taylor. "Where are we going?" Bridget asked. "Home." Selina said with a smile as they scale the building and run. Meanwhile Jim is calling for an ambulance. He is with Garrett.

Back at the GCPD, they are waiting on news of Garrett. Barnes comes to talk to them. Garrett is dead. No one happy about this. Oh shit Bridget, now they will get ya for Murder. Jade, Selina help her! Theo Galavan is hovering by Jim's desk. What could he possibly want now? He hits Jim up again for his endorsement. Jim gives in and give it. Ya fool Jim he is a Dumas, he aint good Jim!!! Jim are ya listening to me??

Theo is a happy man, he has arrived home at his penthouse. Looks a lot like Barbara's old place tonight. There is a figure standing by the fireplace. He moves, he is wearing a monk's robes? What the? Who is this? "Father Creel." Theo said. "Theo my boy. It has taken a long time. But we will now reap revenge, on our enemies. Soon Bruce and Tony Wayne will die. Ending the 200 years of Wayne rule!" He said to Theo they both laugh. What did he say he was going to kill Tony and Bruce Wayne. Wait till Selina and Jade hear about this. The feathers will fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                        

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