bkg man period

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A/N So, I might not have school tomorrow because of a snow storm. Yup, a fucking snowstorm in April. Anyway, Imma try writing on my iPad but it might not be as good.. heh. Hope you enjoy...

Chapter Two

"I told you to stop," I say as I shoot ice out of my hand. It hits Bakugou in the chest, and he grunts.

"God dammit Icy-Hot!" he shouts at me. He stops kicking Midoriya, but steps on top of him to walk over to me. He lights explosions on his palms. I punch him in the face, and he falls to the ground and growls at me. I shoot ice at him once again, this time hitting his hands and freezing them so he couldn't make explosions. 

"Aarrgh! I will get you back for this, half and half," Bakugou growls at me.
"Sure," I respond, which seems to tick him off. I melt the ice off of his hands and he stands up and begins to walk away. 

"Are you ok?" I ask Midoriya.

"Yeah..." he responds, but I can tell he's lying.

"No you're not. Come on," I say, helping him up. "We're going to Recovery Girl."

This seems to upset him. I notice a panicked look in his eyes, signaling that he didn't want to go to Recovery Girl.

"N-no, I'm fine! Really!" He stutters. 


><><><><Time Skippu><><><><

Midoriya POV

Todoroki really didn't have to do that, I mean I'm not something worth fighting over. When he said we were going to Recovery Girl, I immediately knew she would scan my body for any serious injuries. That meant she would see my scars. 

Huh? My phone begins to ring. I wonder who it is?

I look at my phone screen, and I see a number I don't recognize.
"Hello?" I ask as I answer the phone. 

"Hey Midoriya," responds a serious yet familiar voice.

"T-Todoroki? How did you get my number?" 

"Oh. Uraraka gave it to me," he answers.

"Oh ok!" I respond. "So why did you call?"

He pauses. 

"Midoriya, I wanted to talk to you about something..."

"Ok? What is it Todoroki?" I ask, hoping it's not something.... bad

"I...uh I l-" Todoroki is cut off my my mother calling me down for dinner. 

"Hey, uh, sorry Todoroki but I have to go... My mom's calling me for dinner..." 

"O-ok," he stutters, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, hopefully."

Haha yeah right. I bet he was only calling you to tell you how pathetic and weak you are. He hates you for your clumsiness and he got hurt today because of you. Because of you. BECAUSE OF YOU. ITS YOUR FAULT YOU WORTHLESS FREAK!

"Shut up!" I scream, soon realizing I screamed out loud.

I hear footsteps rushing in the direction of my room, soon to be followed by my mothers voice through my door; "Izuku honey what's wrong?"

"O-oh nothing mom," I stutter. Hah. "I'm yelling at this dude in Tokyo Ghoul for being an idiot."
"O-ok honey, it's time to eat so wash up and come on down to the dinner table," my mom says, and I could hear the relief in her voice.

I walk to my bathroom and wash my hands, careful to not get water on the bandages. I throw on my All Might hoodie and run downstairs to accompany my mom at dinner, and just by the smell of it I could tell that we were having Yakisoba.

}{}{}{}{}{Time skip brought to you by my lazy author ass}{}{}{}{}{

Dinner was good. After I finished eating, I helped clean up the kitchen. When I was finally done putting the dishes away, I ran back upstairs to call Todoroki back. He was trying to talk to me, I wonder what he wanted to talk about? As I'm dialing I realize that it's 22:30 and that he probably won't answer because it's too late. (10:30 p.m., I just use military time sometimes :P) 

Though, my prediction turned out incorrect as I hear a low grumble from the other end of the line.


"Hi Todoroki! I just finished eating and cleaning up, what was it that you wanted to talk about?"
"Oh. It's nothing, it was just about the fight with Bakugou earlier," I hear him say, but his voice ended up squeaking and I laughed.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Yo-your voice squeaked!" I manage to say through laughs. 


He's so cute.

"Ok, I'll talk to you at school tomorrow. Bye, Todoroki." I hear a 'goodnight, Midoriya' and I hang up the phone. I don't know what it is, but I love Todoroki. Maybe it's his personality, or his voice, I just don't know. His eyes are like big heterochromatic planets, you could get lost exploring them all day; his hair looks like a big fluffy peppermint, and you're just so tempted to reach out and pet it; and his voice is like a deep lullaby that you could listen to all day long. Todoroki is just so amazing. They say that there's no such thing as a perfect person. Whoever made that up definitely hasn't met Todoroki. Todoroki is basically the embodiment of the word 'perfect'. He's just so-

Pfft. Pathetic, you're fawning over some stupid boy. How gay can you be? You know he hates you, you stupid motherfucking Deku. Why don't you take your dearest friend's, who cares about you oh so much, advice and just jump off a roof? Ooh or a bridge!

"Stop it!" I whisper, tears popping out of my eyes just like when someone pops pills.
Hah, never~

I've had enough. I reach over to my nightstand, and I pull out my razor. One cut. Now two. Three. Seven. Twelve. Eighteen and I lost count. Everything begins to get blurry, and the room starts to spin. Unluckily for me, though, is I know what to do in this situation. I'm not ready to die just yet. I reach over and grab an elastic band from my desk and tie it tightly around my upper arm to help stop the bleeding. I stand up, and immediately feel a wave of nausea as big as a tsunami hit me. I sit back down, and decide to crawl over to the bathroom. Little by little, I inched over there on my one hand and knees to trap the gauze from the cabinet. As I'm grabbing the gauze, I hear a knock on my door. 

"Izuku? I'm going to bed, and I want a hug. Right now. Come here!" I hear my mom order. she's drunk.

Shit. "Uhh one sec mom I'm going poo right now so I can't exactly get up at the moment..." Excuses, excuses, excuses.

"Ok. Fiiiine, but you owe me!" My mom whines, and with that, I heard her footsteps walking down the hallway towards her room.

That was close~ be more careful you shitty Deku.

I do my best to ignore the voice and I grab more gauze.
After about 10 minutes, I'm done. I walk over to my bed, plug in my phone, click on Music, and put on Ling Tosite Sigure. They're my favorite band. I'm weird and pathetic, and I need music to fall asleep to distract me from the overflowing rivers of thoughts that surround my mind at night.

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