literally what in the fuck

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i disappear for 2 years and the fuckinf wattpad fanfiction i wrote when i was 11 has 25k reads??  lord.... i apologize to whoever has read this far

i'm going to do one of 3 things

1) delete this story and forget it ever existed

2) revise it so people who are reading it in the future don't have to deal w the absolute cringiness of this

3) leave it be as a funny/nostalgic joke and try to ignore its existence

lemme know what y'all think bc,,,,,

realistically it'll be the 3rd option bc i go on wattpad maybe once every year now and idrc about this story unless people i know happened to find out about it and that it was me who wrote it and j also don't want to deal w the commitment of rewriting out of embarrassment lmfao

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