"Take that!" He yelled.

"Come on, you can do better! Come out and fight me like a man!"

You ran back to the box and grabbed two other bottles. Namjoon followed you and threw paint at you, making paint color your hair.

"Kim Namjoon! Now you're really dead!"

You took your new bottles and popped the caps off. Without warning, you jumped on Namjoon and drenched him in paint. You especially made sure to get it in his hair.

"Great you got it in my hair now." He whined.

"Hey, at least we got matching colors." You said pointing your hair.

"You're the last person I want to match with."

"Too bad."

You crossed your arms and smiled down at him. It was only now that you realized you had been straddling his waist. Turning bright red, you got off of him and brushed yourself off.

"Whoa... What happened here?"

Hyun was standing with a tea tray in his hands examining the mess you and Namjoon had made.

"We were dart painting and it turned into a paint fight." Namjoon explained.

"What?! Without me? Rude."

"I didn't know you would want to." Namjoon said with a shrug.

"You know I love dart painting. We used to do it together." Hyun rolled his eyes.

"Well now I have someone else." He said while pulling me to his side.

I nervously laughed and on the inside, I can tell I mentally face palmed myself.

"I see how it is... I'm just going to take my tea then... Looks like I'll have to find someone else to share it with..." He slowly started to walk away.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and playfully grabbed his shirt.

"Hyun~... Do you want to have tea with us?"

He instant spun around and shook his head.

"I thought you'd never ask."


When Namjoon was done with work, we went back home. Since you didn't feel like cooking, we brought back pizza with us. After dinner you said you were tired and went to my room. Before you went to bed you hopped in the shower to try to get some paint out of your hair. After managing to get some paint out of your hair, you laid in bed. You thoughts wandered and you were about to drift off to sleep.

"Wake up."

You shot up and looked around your room. In the corner of your room stood Jeivel. A small scream left your mouth and he shushed you moved closer.

"We don't want anyone coming up here do we?" He whispered.

"What the hell Jeviel?! You gave me a heartattack!"

"Want another one?" 

"No! What are you even doing here?" You asked.

"I got bored so I came to play with you." 

"I don't want to. Go away."

"Remeber that one time you did something stupid?" He asked

At that moment a bunch of memories hit you like a tidal wave. No matter how hard you tried to ignore them, they always came back.

"And remember when Jay broke up with you? I bet he thought you were trash."

You remembered the sad memory and a small tear left your eye. You covered you head with your pillow and tried to ignore him.

"You're so weak. Can't even have a normal conversation without crying. No wonder no one likes you. Even I hate putting up with your shit." He sighed.

You instantly felt bad and more tears fell down your face.

"You're such a baby. Just to let you know... I put an extra razor in you bathroom in case you ever want to... You know...." He trailed off.

For a moment you were thinking about it but then you remembered that it would be hard to explain if anyone saw the scars.

"I'll leave now... you got boring." 

He left you alone to go who knows where. Another time you were tempted to cut yourself but once again, you didn't.

"Let's just go to sleep." You whispered to yourself.


Ok so... Twitter account: @Bts_uwuz follow me for updates on the story or just random boring stuff. Also um... BOY WITH LOVE TEASER. I'm sooo excited!

Sorry about the wait... 

I love you <3 

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