Chapter 1: The Nightmare

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From the previous movie of Madagascar that the gang was still in Africa. The penguins were in the plane to start the engines.

"Ok, wind her up,'s Monte Carlo or bust! Struts." Skipper demands.

"Check." Kowalski said.

"Flaps." Skipper demands.

"Check." Kowalski said.

"Diamonds and gold." Skipper demands.

"Check." Kowalski said.

The two monkeys were there in the plane with the penguins. The plane lifts off and flies away.

"We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple of weeks...or whenever the gold runs out." Skipper said in the microphone of the plane.

Alex and the others were waving while they were saying goodbye to them.

"Bye-bye... Goodbye... We'll be waiting for ya!" Alex said.

"Just kidding, we're never coming back!" Skipper said in the microphone.

"Sorry, what was that?" Alex asked.

"Initiate warp drive." Skipper demands.

The plane did a wrap drive so fast, and the winds blow so much. Alex was confused about what Skipper said.

"Did they just say they were never coming back?" Alex asked.

Alex turns around, but the others disappear.

"Guys?" Alex asked.

The land was dark, dried up, scary, and in black and white. Alex keeps on looking around until he finally sees Marty and Katie. Marty was on a treadmill while Katie was sitting on a rocking chair.

"Marty? Katie?" Alex asked.

Marty and Katie turn around to see Alex. But, they are in a eldery age instead.

"Oh goody, you're here.." Marty said.

"It's a nice day today." Katie said.

Alex was shocked in silence as Marty shoved a handful of hay in his mouth.

"You look hungry, though." Katie said.

"Why don't you chew on this, I was hungry. Yum, yum, yum, yum..." Marty said.

Alex was pushed away like he was on a treadmill until he went to a door and fell. He lands on Melman's leg. Alex sits up to look at Melman.

"Oww.. I'm just messing with ya. I lost all feelings in this thing years ago. He, he, he, he, he..." Melman said until he fell asleep while on a chair.

"Dagnabbit, I can't get these glasses cleaned." Brandon said

Alex turns to his right and sees Gloria sleeping, and Brandon is putting his glasses on as he walks with a cane without talking. They are in an elderly age too.

"Melman, why do you look like that? And to Gloria and Brandon?" Alex asked while still laying down.

Suddenly, he felt a scarf wrapped around his neck. He turned around, and he saw Mariah on a rocking chair while knitting the scarf. Even Mariah is a elderly too.

"Hi, Alex. I made this scarf for you." Mariah said.

"Mariah? Why are you guys so... Elderly." Alex asked while backing away while laying down.

"We are not the only ones we are old. You have so, too." Mariah said, and she raised her arm to point.

"What?" Alex asked.

There was a mirror behind him. When he turned around, he saw himself as a elderly person too.

"Nooo..." Alex said.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up..." Marty said while shaking Alex from his sleep. Mariah was next to Marty.

"You okay, sleepy head?" Mariah asked.

"Marty. Oh, Mariah, it was horrible." Alex said in relief and gave Mariah a hug.

"That same nightmare again, huh?" Marty asked in teased.

Mariah slaps Marty's arm to stop him.

"Marty, it's not funny. What nightmare were you having?" Mariah asked.

There was a board behind Alex that have the sign that says 'Welcome Back' for the penguins to return and the board has the numbers of days that they have been waiting, it's shows that it's been like about a year.

"We were stuck here in Africa, and we were all super old and wrinkly and... Well, I aged well, but the rest of you looked terrible." Alex explained.

"It's okay now. It's over." Mariah said as she calmed him down.

"Wait! Where's Adriana?!" Alex shouted, looking around.

"Don't worry, Alex. She's fine. Katie is with her right after her nap." Mariah said.

"Relax, Alex 'cause we got a surprise for you." Marty said.

"Is it the penguins? Have they come to take us home?" Alex asked as he got his binoculars to look at the sky.

"Nope, but it's the next best thing." Marty answered.

"Another day bites the dust." Alex said.

Alex gets chalked to write a line.

"Alex, please." Mariah said.

"Come on now!" Marty shouted.

Marty grabs Alex, making him drop the chalk to get away from the board.

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