Part 31

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* 1 month later *

Me and jug were in packing the last boxes as Julie's crawled over to me and in my lap. " mhhndn " she said she was adorable she was crawling and trying to say words

" beautiful we're going to the hospital in 29 minutes "

" okay handsome " then Juliet opened her mouth which meant she was hungry I fed her milk and she was happy then jug came over and kissed my head

" best mom in the world "

" and one of the best kiddeos " he said picking her up and kissing her cheek

" hey just finishing up last box "

" you ready to see are babies "

" yep and we get to hold them today "

" I'm so happy "

" I know me to "

" yeah Julie's you excited to see little sister and little brother " she looked at him and laid her head on his shoulder " ready "

" yeah " he got Juliet in and we went to the hospital It was so nice to finally see our little babies growing they were 1 pound a month ago and now 2 so it is great. We went in and Juliet played with the nurse as another let us hold them even all tubes and cords and machines I held Ali and jug held Alex as we were so happy to finally hold are little joy in are arms they looked happy Ali was just smiling and she was such a little joy she had a breathing tube and a feeding tube and she was perfect same with Alex he is so amazing we switched and sat smiling the doctor came in " so we have good news "

" what "

" we are releasing them next week and taking out there feeding tubes tomorrow "

" oh wow that's amazing "

" now if they don't hit three pounds next week we won't but there almost there so we're hopeful "

" that would be awesome " I kissed Ali's head

" I'm also here for Juliet's 7 month checkup "

" yeah she is right there " he grabbed her and I gave Alex back to a nurse and went with them because Juliet hates being alone so I sat in the room she got her check up and then me and jug held the twins and rocked them until they were asleep and then left home once we got there Juliet got put down for her nap and we got snuggled in the blankets and jug wrapped his arms around me I kissed him gently and then put my head back on his shoulder he put his hand in my hair and started to massage my head and it felt so nice after all the unpacking and stress we have had just unwinding with him felt so good. " so happy to take them home "

" yeah everything is set up plenty of clothes and diapers "

" yeah so I am really happy "

" your amazing mother "

" so tomorrow were seeing how the diner looks isn't it supposed to be done "

" yep it is supposed to open in a couple months and I am excited "

" I know we're both working there and I am working on newspaper that I send in every week I never need to leave home unless my boss emails me "

" yeah no overdoing it " he kissed my head " but the uniforms are cute "

" have they come in yet "

" no "

" I am excited "

" yeah this is a big investment of are money and it is a lot for us so thank you for letting me do this "

" of course jug "

" it is something I dreamed of "

"Good "

" hey jug I found this book with in all the books and it is great but I can't find what it is called it just hard cover black " I pulled it out of my night stand and he grabbed it " no betts how much of this have you read "

" I almost am done then I'm going to the second one why " we were both sitting up he broke down crying I pulled him in a hug " hey jug it is okay "

" I wrote it betts and no one was supposed to find it "

" there amazing you should get them published why are you upset"

" it's so personal I get scared I feel bad I don't want to get rejected "

" no there so good they can't reject you "

" I never wanted people to read them that is the deepest and rawest part of me betts that's my childhood in a book "

" wait Justin is you "

" yeah " I broke down crying this was so sad it had abuse and bullying. Jug picked me up setting me in his lap and hugging me. " this is why you don't go reading books willy nilly silly"

" I'm so sorry "

" betts it's life I'm sorry it upsets you "

" it is just upsetting because I love you and I am sad to know how much pain you went through "

" cutie pie I'm now better it was my past it was a way to get my feelings out at the time and I needed to get them out and writing helped me express my feelings so I did and it was something to help get me through. "

" I'm so sorry my love " I kissed his lips softly " I know you hate pity and stuff but I am very sorry "

" it's okay I'm fine if you continue reading just be warned betts there is pretty dark stuff in there I was suicidal and it's in there in like the 3rd book about me my life got dark and scary so you are warned "

" I was suicidal to I went into a dark place and I was abused and bullied then I was homeless and scared I understand where you come from jug "

" woah woah you were suicidal I never knew "

" I cut myself "

" you do "

" did when I met you it stopped "

" I did on my hip so know one would see "

" I did to "

" but it is are past and we are a strong loving family "

" we do " I said sitting in his lap kissing him softly he dropped me on my back and started to kiss my neck

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