Part 18

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I grabbed my knife and held the back end against his throat . " Now it would be a shame to get blood on my suit but i am not afraid of you or any of your pesky bulldogs so get out of my face ." they ran off . I put the knife in my pocket and went out to the car . " Ugh " i said laying my head on Betty's shoulder ." Get to threaten bulldogs when will they grow up ."

" What did they do today. "

" Called you a slut so i stood up for you and they were blocking me for leaving so i held one against a locker with a knife to his throat and he seemed to leave "

" I'm sorry i know your tired and sore why don't i drive us home . "

" you don't mind "

" No not at all"

" please my leg hurts so freaking bad "

" Oh I'm so sorry baby " we switched spots and I gently had my head on Betts shoulder and she let me doze off. She was amazing to me I was so lucky. " Juggie "

" Hmm "

" We re here "

" Oh okay "we got out and took Julie up to bed . We got her in the crib asleep then we went to bed and changed then I took off my leg then we fell asleep .

Betty POV

I looked at jug and his leg was super inflamed and red looked raw so i went a got a couple ice packs and gently put them on his stub he looked at me with tired eyes. " Just putting some ice on your leg go back to sleep . "

" Mmk " he closed his eyes again and cutely snored . I tucked him in and crawled back in next to him and he snuggled his head on my shoulder . I kissed his head and I fell asleep. " Mmmm " jug grumbled waking me up . " No no don't go " he said softly I sat up and rubbed his arm " no don't leave " he started to cry. I tried to wake him up but he wasn't. " Stop please " I then kissed him and his eyes open and he wrapped his arms around me and cried in my neck. " Betts " he said So soft it was hard to hear.

" I'm right here juggie " poor thing was just crying i rubbed his back . And he was slowly collecting himself. " I'm right here " I kissed him and he nodded. " You okay "

" Just a nightmare I will get over it thank you for being here for me "

" Of course juggie I hate seeing you upset "

" Can I just lay my head on your shoulder and stay there for awhile "

" Go ahead. " He did and I just gently combed through his hair because it relaxes him . He let out a deep breath . " I love you and it will be okay "

" Betts when you were pregnant did you think people where always looking at you like you are weird ."

" Yeah why "

" I feel like that all the time and I don't know how to cope "

" Well explain what your feeling "

" It is like everyone is staring at me because I look different and I walk different and I can't do as much as other people my age and it is all so much "

" I understand i know where you are coming from because I was 17 and pregnant i was called slut and judged for something I couldn't hide you don't look different when you walk you look the same hun i know it is hard to cope but I think you look and walk the same I love you and Juliet loves you ." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

" Thank you "

" You need to keep you leg iced though and no walking with prosthetic today no matter what or i will beat you with it . "

" Okay calm down "

" I know you are going tomorrow. "

" Yeah it's 3 days then I'll be back ."

" I need more cuddles because 3 days with out my love is going to be hard ."

" I know I will die not being with you or Juliet and she is sick. "

" Well Cheryl and Veronica are spending the three days with me "

" Okay. "

" I will miss my juggie bear so much"

" I know cupcake " then juliet started to cry.

" Do not move I'll be back "

" Okay " I got a bottle and Juliet then went to the room as jug was sitting agusting the Ice I gave him Juliet and the bottle as he fed her. " Hey little beauty you feeling better ."

" I put her medicine in that bottle so she should feel better ."

" I felt so bad hearing her crying pain "

" I know she was wimpering while you when you held her because your her safe space and she was still in pain it really broke my heart"

" Please behave for mommy i know you think your safe with daddy but your safe with mommy to. "

" I hope she will your leaving me with a sick baby "

" I know but I have to " .

" I understand "

" Imugghddbekks"

" That really didn't make any sense "

" I know I was confused "

" Cutie pie " he smiled and burped Juliet. Then we put her in Ed and cuddled up with each other watching a movie.

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