Part 19

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*3 months later *

Julie's is four months and just learned to keep her head up. It was so cute. Jug and me were way to active in a sex life so it has been so amazing . I woke up and I was absolutely sick to my stomach I grumbled and rolled over so jug rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. " Jug move "

" Mmk " he laid on his back and held my hand . " you Okay "

" So freaking nauseous . "

" Need me to get you the heating pack for your stomach maybe it's your time of the month. "

" Please " he rolled over and got up and grabbed the heating pack. He plugged it in and set it on my belly then kissed my head . " Thanks ,Sorry about this it came out of nowhere "

" At least we're graduates so you can just sleep. "

" Yeah "

" I am leaving for two weeks tonight to make sure everything is good and to make sure your and my job is secure. "

" I know i will miss you but it is good to move into a bigger house and get out of riverdale and to be honest we will have the best jobs and financially secure for juliet it is the start of are life . "

" Yeah " Jug is a busness owner of a little diner in Toledo and i own a newspaper shop and i love writing . then we found a perfect 2 story 5 bedroom house just for us and it feels great to have everything in place .

" I love you so much . "

" I love you to . "

" Spoon me . "

" okay . " he wrapped himself around me and i cuddled back into his arms . " Your a little bossy today . "

" I feel crappy i just want you to hold me because it makes me feel better and your going to leave and taking my baby . " i started to cry .

" i was kidding baby are you okay . "

" No i hurt my whole body aches and i am tired and sad to see you and juliet leave and my stomach hurts. " i rolled over and tucked my head in his neck he rubbed my back and kissed my head .

" I am so sorry to hurt you i love you so so so much i am sorry your in pain and i am leaving i really am sorry and i know it sucks but i'll face-time and call you all the time . "

" Thank you . "

" Just snuggle in my chest and get some rest it will be okay . "

" Okay " he kissed my head and rubbed my back . " I just feel crappy i am sorry . "

" It's okay i was being a dick . "

" No but i love you "

" I love you and i am sorry you don't feel good . "

" Thank you " i said snuggling in his chest . he was sweet he put up with the heating pad against him and me all cuddled in his neck after having a mental breakdown . " I'm sorry for having a mental breakdown i just don't feel good ."

" I understand baby i am here for cuddles and love . "

" thanks for being so understanding . "

" i feel bad for leaving . "

" Don't i'll be fine and it is are future so it is something good . "

" Get sleep "

" mmk " i started to doze off and lightly snore. " jugsssie" i said half awake .

" Go to sleep beautiful . "

" mmhm" i then passed out . i woke up and there was a baby giggling on my chest . " well hello beautiful " she was so tiny i was sad to see her go .

she snuggled in my chest as i rubbed her back

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

she snuggled in my chest as i rubbed her back . " Hi baby "

" I have to take this peanut and we are heading out . "

" Okay "

" But she wanted her mommy before we left ."

" Okay . "

" I will miss you . "

" Call me when you get there . "

" i will i love you . "

" Love you bye . "

" bye " they left and i laid on his side and cuddled with my pregnancy pillow i had in the closet just to feel like someone is there . i sprayed it with jugs colon and cuddled with it and it made me feel better i fell back asleep . i woke to my phone so i answered tiredly . " Hey baby were here safely how are you feeling "

" Fine i have an upset stomach but trying to sleep it off ."

" aww i am sorry love you and i let you sleep . "

" I love you "

" goodnight "

" Night " i hung up and then git all comfy and passed out ,

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